(MERCENARY) MOSSAD AGENT MICHAEL ROSS : Top Ten Missed Targets for Assassination of 2012
1. Bashar al-Assad: How many lives could have been saved
[ed notes:because mossad cares about Syria/ns right?by saving he means rebels whom israhell bets on )
by rubbing out this man Christopher Hitchens once famously dubbed, “The human toothbrush”. Sic Semper Tyrannus.2. Qassam Soleimani: Head of Iran’s IRGC-QF. That’s more than enough reason.3. Hamid Arabnejad: Managing-Director of Mahan Air, the Iranian regime’s airline tasked with ferrying weapons/explosives, IRGC-QF personnel4. Hassan Nasrallah: “Secretary-General” of Hezbollah.9. Samir Kuntar: Druze member of the PLF in Lebanon who murdered an Israeli policeman, Eliyahu Shahar, 31 year-old Danny Haran,In November 2008, Syrian president Bashar al-Assad presented Kuntar with Syria’s highest medal.
The Road Beyond Damascus January 17, 2013, Michael Doran (ZIONIST) and Salman Shaikh(ZIONIST)
Background:[[[[[[[[[[[[A descent into chaos in Syria poses many risks to the United States. In particular, it creates opportunities for Iran and Hezbollah to safeguard their interests. Perhaps the greatest potential benefit to the United States of the uprising had been the damage that it did to the alliance system of Iran, the strategic adversary of the United States in the Middle East.]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[[[[For a time it seemed that Iran’s foothold in Syria would be washed away naturally by the tide of events. But as the conflict has deepened, Tehran has spared no expense to make itself an indispensable partner to a number of groups who seem destined to thrive in the growing chaos.]]]]]]]]]It is time to place a new bet on a more active (ZIONIST)American leadership role, one that seeks to protect civilians,[ED NOTE:WHEN HAS ''ZIONIST RAN'' U.S. PROTECTED CIVILIANS?] hastens the fall of Assad, and shapes a new political order more amenable to the needs of the Syrian people and to (ZIONIST RAN) American interests. In the process, you will need to insist that removing Assad is a fundamental requirement for a successful transition.
PNAC ZIOCON FOR SYRIA INTERVENTION THRU CLIENT REGIMES ,THE GULF MONARCHIES ....ZIONIST WEEKLY STANDARD podcast with Thomas Donnelly, Resident Fellow and Director of the Marilyn Ware Center for Secur ity Studies at the American Enterprise Institute on his forthcoming editorial on the conflict in Syria. Podcast: Playing With Fire in Syria | The Weekly Standard[ed notes; "Before coming to AEI, he served as the director of strategic communications and initiatives at Lockheed Martin [2002]." [6]Donnelly was deputy executive director of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) (1999-2002) Donnelly was the principal author of Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century published in September 2000 by the PNAC
[ed note:asked about wether naything bad for assad and hezbollah is good for zionist west ,he argued yes,the resistance axis is the main enemy...he argues that staying out of conflict is a bad argument.and western intervention along balkan wars in 1990's would be a good model for qaeda victory could only be short term and easily managed! iran victry on other hand wil spread in region and world!!
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By severely curtailing Hezbollah's arms supply as well as restricting the movement of Tehran's Revolutionary Guards cadres, a non-Islamist successor government in Syria would set back Iran's Middle East strategy of destabilizing Iraq and Lebanon.Strict measures should be taken to ensure such assistance is not politicized or corrupted by political and criminal factions active in the camps.Determine straightforward standards [[[[[for identifying the Islamist extremist groups that will not be dealt with]]]]] and move decisively to begin cooperation with the others as long as they support an inclusive agenda for the country.[[[[[[Determine those groups' immediate needs including weaponry, and institute the means to provide for them in cooperation with Turkey, without whose consent nearly all U.S. efforts to aid the anti-Assad forces would fail.]]]]]]]]
[ed note:JINSA wants regime change,ISRAHELL wants regime change!
also see.. senior commander of syrias rebels thanks isra... - THENAKEDFACTS
SYRIA WATCH- ISRAHELLI INTELLIGENCE AGENT NISMAN : If Hezbollah Wins Syria Unchecked, Tehran and its ally will emerge more aggressive than ever
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daniel nisman |

[ed notes:he means openly as opposed to covertly as they been doing since conflict began,mostly thru allies gcc and turkey...
Rather than confront the looming threat of Hezbollah, Western strategists are still grappling with concerns over which rebel group to arm, or what regime might replace Assad's. They fail to realize that if Hezbollah's involvement continues unchecked, these questions will become irrelevant. The time has come for the West to stop obsessing about the risks of stopping the Assad regime, Hezbollah and Iran, and start considering the consequences of not stopping them.
[ed note: Mr. Nisman is a zionist dog,and a pig,hes posing as journalist is a front,he was a soldier and is now really intelligence operative for israhellunder that hes the Middle East and North Africa intelligence director at Max Security Solutions, a geopolitical and security risk consulting firm. That firms headquarters are in Israhell tel aviv... Max Security Solutions Ltd.
Max Security Solutions Ltd. Max Security is a global leader in provid- ... Tel Aviv 67060,. Israel. Tel: 972-3-6196297. Fax: 972-3-6195852. Max-India.
[ed note:Wait it gets juicier... Military service In November 2004, Nisman was drafted in the Israeli Defense Forces, where he was accepted into the Nahal infantry brigade's reconnaissance unit. During his service, he participated in the 2005 Gaza disengagement, the 2006 Lebanon War,
Henry Kissinger: Balkanized Syria Best Possible Outcome
Former secretary of state eyes breaking up of current-day Syria into “more or less autonomous regions”
In a very recent presentation at the Ford School, former secretary of state Henry Kissinger commented on the current Syrian situation, expressing his preference for a broken-up and balkanized Syria to emerge out of the current Assad-controlled unity (from 19 minutes and 30 seconds onward):“There are three possible outcomes. An Assad victory. A Sunni victory. Or an outcome in which the various nationalities agree to co-exist together but in more or less autonomous regions, so that they can’t oppress each other. That’s the outcome I would prefer to see. But that’s not the popular view.”
[ed note:via Syriagirlpartisan ...
Syria: The devil we know or the devil we don't
Michael Totten argues that the United States really has only two options in Syria.
The only logical option for the US of those Gemayel lays out is the second—support change. Figuring out how to proceed isn’t rocket science.
[ed notes:backround on ''jackass'' mike totten... He supported the Iraq War, and generally expresses pro-Israeli views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He has supported the Iraq War, stating during the run-up, "If you don’t join us now, when Saddam’s regime falls and Iraqis cheer the US Marines, you are really going to feel like a jackass. And your jackassery will be exposed beneath klieg lights for all to see." Totten describes himself as an "independent journalist." Most of his trips—are paid for out of his own pocket, although [[[[[[he has also accepted funding from the Government of Azerbaijan, the American Jewish Committee and the Lebanese pro-western March 14 alliance for trips to Azerbaijan, Israel and Lebanon, respectively]]]]]
Here are two ways:
The first is to go all in and back the moderate elements of the Free Syrian Army right now. Give them guns, training, air support, or some combination. It’s risky, of course, and there are trade-offs. Hezbollah and Iran might escalate. Some American aid would almost certainly end up in the hands of bad actors who will later use it against us and our friends no matter how careful we are. It’s not obvious who’s who in the field right now. But the advantage of such a forthright move is that the anti-Assad phase of the war will wrap up more quickly. Syria will spend less time functioning as a terrorist magnet, and Jabhat al-Nusra will have less time to gain traction and become a formidable post-Assad force.
The second option is to wait for Assad to fall and then back the Free Syrian Army. Everyone in Syria knows the moderate elements of the anti-Assad opposition will clash with the Islamists when the government falls. At that time it will be easy to separate the Islamists from everyone else because the Islamists will be fighting everyone else.If we go with the second option, Jabhat al-Nusra is not at all likely to take over Syria. The entire country—the Alawites, the Christians, the Druze, the Kurds, the liberal Sunnis, the moderate Sunnis, the nationalist Sunnis, the mainstream conservative Sunnis, and the tribes in the hinterlands—will be against them. And if the West backs all of those factions, that’s it. It’s all over for Jabhat al-Nusra. They’ll be able to blow things up and wreak havoc, for sure, but they will not rule.And the United States can gain back some of the soft power and moral authority we’re losing right now in the region. Those angry with us for our de facto support of Assad
[ed notes:what defacto support for Assad?crippling sanctions against him ,his govt,and people?what defacto support for Assad?the training of rebels in Jordan or thru turkey?thru giving gcc client regimes of zionist west moral,political,military support to unleash the extremist mercenary militias against his govt and nation?thats defacto support?in what planet?orwellia??
and for our de facto support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt will see the United States on their side for a change. “Assad will fall,” says Jean-Pierre Katrib, a Beirut-based university lecturer and human rights activist. “This is the course of history. Even the Soviet Union, with all its robust organization and rigid infrastructure, only lasted for seven decades. No oppressive regime can forever resist the tide of history which has been moving toward greater freedom and representation. That may sound too philosophical or naïve, but that’s how I see it. Post-Assad Syria won’t be democratic, however. That will take time. It’s going to be messy.”
[ed note: human rights activist?who?jean - pierre katrib? is a funny guy,when you consider the guy speaking about how repressive regimes wont last freedom,and at same time is tied to the gatestone institute.zionist lobby and WINEP!!! Ending (or Deepening) the Crisis in Lebanon: - The Role of Electoral ... Jun 6, 2008 – Jean-Pierre Katrib is a visiting fellow in The Washington Institute's Project Fikra.
Iran desk at Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs (ASSAD) worst devil we know then the devils we don't...
Sima Shine, who heads the Iran desk at Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs, told the Times of Israel on the sidelines of the Israeli Presidential Conference.: In my personal opinion, the devil we know is worse than the devil we don’t. Israel’s main strategic threat is Iran. Not Syria, not Hamas. Therefore, strategically, Israel should examine things from the perspective of what harms Iran and what serves Israel’s agenda in confronting it. If Bashar remains in power, that would be a huge achievement for Iran. A weakened Assad would be completely dependent on Iran. In my opinion that’s the worst thing that can happen to Israel.She says:Bashar Assad must not remain in power. Period. What will happen later? God only knows. The alternative, whereby Jihadis flock to Syria, is not good. We have no good options in Syria. But Assad remaining along with the Iranians is worse. His ouster would exert immense pressure on Iran.Shine said she hoped the Syrian rebels were being assisted, though was cautious in admitting Israel was indeed providing any such aid. She said: I hope Israel is doing more than I know of. Israel would not publicly admit assisting the rebels for fear of harming their domestic posture. That would be bad for the rebels themselves. They do not want to be perceived as being supported by Israel which, as the occupier of the Golan Heights, is the enemy.
Syria: The devil we know or the devil we don't
Michael Totten argues that the United States really has only two options in Syria.
The only logical option for the US of those Gemayel lays out is the second—support change. Figuring out how to proceed isn’t rocket science.
[ed notes:backround on ''jackass'' mike totten... He supported the Iraq War, and generally expresses pro-Israeli views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He has supported the Iraq War, stating during the run-up, "If you don’t join us now, when Saddam’s regime falls and Iraqis cheer the US Marines, you are really going to feel like a jackass. And your jackassery will be exposed beneath klieg lights for all to see." Totten describes himself as an "independent journalist." Most of his trips—are paid for out of his own pocket, although [[[[[[he has also accepted funding from the Government of Azerbaijan, the American Jewish Committee and the Lebanese pro-western March 14 alliance for trips to Azerbaijan, Israel and Lebanon, respectively]]]]]
Here are two ways:
The first is to go all in and back the moderate elements of the Free Syrian Army right now. Give them guns, training, air support, or some combination. It’s risky, of course, and there are trade-offs. Hezbollah and Iran might escalate. Some American aid would almost certainly end up in the hands of bad actors who will later use it against us and our friends no matter how careful we are. It’s not obvious who’s who in the field right now. But the advantage of such a forthright move is that the anti-Assad phase of the war will wrap up more quickly. Syria will spend less time functioning as a terrorist magnet, and Jabhat al-Nusra will have less time to gain traction and become a formidable post-Assad force.
The second option is to wait for Assad to fall and then back the Free Syrian Army. Everyone in Syria knows the moderate elements of the anti-Assad opposition will clash with the Islamists when the government falls. At that time it will be easy to separate the Islamists from everyone else because the Islamists will be fighting everyone else.If we go with the second option, Jabhat al-Nusra is not at all likely to take over Syria. The entire country—the Alawites, the Christians, the Druze, the Kurds, the liberal Sunnis, the moderate Sunnis, the nationalist Sunnis, the mainstream conservative Sunnis, and the tribes in the hinterlands—will be against them. And if the West backs all of those factions, that’s it. It’s all over for Jabhat al-Nusra. They’ll be able to blow things up and wreak havoc, for sure, but they will not rule.And the United States can gain back some of the soft power and moral authority we’re losing right now in the region. Those angry with us for our de facto support of Assad
[ed notes:what defacto support for Assad?crippling sanctions against him ,his govt,and people?what defacto support for Assad?the training of rebels in Jordan or thru turkey?thru giving gcc client regimes of zionist west moral,political,military support to unleash the extremist mercenary militias against his govt and nation?thats defacto support?in what planet?orwellia??
and for our de facto support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt will see the United States on their side for a change. “Assad will fall,” says Jean-Pierre Katrib, a Beirut-based university lecturer and human rights activist. “This is the course of history. Even the Soviet Union, with all its robust organization and rigid infrastructure, only lasted for seven decades. No oppressive regime can forever resist the tide of history which has been moving toward greater freedom and representation. That may sound too philosophical or naïve, but that’s how I see it. Post-Assad Syria won’t be democratic, however. That will take time. It’s going to be messy.”
[ed note: human rights activist?who?jean - pierre katrib? is a funny guy,when you consider the guy speaking about how repressive regimes wont last freedom,and at same time is tied to the gatestone institute.zionist lobby and WINEP!!! Ending (or Deepening) the Crisis in Lebanon: - The Role of Electoral ... Jun 6, 2008 – Jean-Pierre Katrib is a visiting fellow in The Washington Institute's Project Fikra.
Iran desk at Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs (ASSAD) worst devil we know then the devils we don't...
Sima Shine, who heads the Iran desk at Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs, told the Times of Israel on the sidelines of the Israeli Presidential Conference.: In my personal opinion, the devil we know is worse than the devil we don’t. Israel’s main strategic threat is Iran. Not Syria, not Hamas. Therefore, strategically, Israel should examine things from the perspective of what harms Iran and what serves Israel’s agenda in confronting it. If Bashar remains in power, that would be a huge achievement for Iran. A weakened Assad would be completely dependent on Iran. In my opinion that’s the worst thing that can happen to Israel.She says:Bashar Assad must not remain in power. Period. What will happen later? God only knows. The alternative, whereby Jihadis flock to Syria, is not good. We have no good options in Syria. But Assad remaining along with the Iranians is worse. His ouster would exert immense pressure on Iran.Shine said she hoped the Syrian rebels were being assisted, though was cautious in admitting Israel was indeed providing any such aid. She said: I hope Israel is doing more than I know of. Israel would not publicly admit assisting the rebels for fear of harming their domestic posture. That would be bad for the rebels themselves. They do not want to be perceived as being supported by Israel which, as the occupier of the Golan Heights, is the enemy.
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killary ''chucky'' clinton at Saban Center |
For decades, Israel viewed Syria as its most bitter Arab enemy. Syria’s Arab nationalist ideology was fiercely anti-Israel, and border disputes left the two nations perpetually on the brink of conflict. After the June 1967 war, Israel’s occupation of the Golan Heights became the most important issue separating the two countries, and when Syria joined the peace process launched in Madrid in October 1991, the future of the Golan Heights became the main bone of contention between the adversaries. The Israeli-Syrian negotiations came close to fruition but ultimately failed. During the early years of Bashar al-Assad’s reign, relations with the United States became tense and Israeli-Syrian contacts were severed. The Ehud Olmert years in Israel saw renewed peace talks with Syria via the Turkish channel, again raising hopes of an end to hostilities but again ending in failure....[[[[[[[[After Israel had found itself frustrated by developments beneficial to Iran and its “Resistance Axis” throughout the Arab Spring—most notably the fall of Zine el Abidine Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak—the increasing pressure on the Syrian regime has represented a blow to Iran and its allies.]]]]]]]Thus, while recognizing that Israel has
[ed note:on last part,keep in mind the u.s.and its european allies demanding regime change,backing opposition in Syria thru its g.c.c. puppet clients are nations who's foreign policy is already ran by zionists,so the channels he mentions israhell should open with these are a smokescreen,these are already under zionist ''MANAGEMENT''...
ZIONAZI ISRAHELLI AMBASSADOR AT UN SECURITY COUNCIL DEBATE ON COUNTER-TERRORISM:WE MUST ATTACK SYRIA! Statement by Amb Prosor at UN Security Council Debate on Counter-terrorism MFA 15.1.2013 [[[[[[We face the frightening possibility that Hezbollah could soon get its hands on Assad's vast stockpiles of chemical weapons. This Council must act today, not tomorrow. We have a responsibility to prevent the world’s most dangerous weapons from falling into the hands of the world’s most dangerous actors.]]]]]]][[[[[[Yes, we must attack terrorist infrastructure, and go after those who support and finance terrorism. [[[[[[However, true counter-terrorism must also begin by disrupting the ecosystem of extremism in which terror thrives.Make no mistake. There is a direct connection between powder cocaine smuggled from Latin America and the gunpowder of Hezbollah weaponry in Lebanon]]]]]].This Council cannot turn a blind eye to those states that sponsor, support, and arm terrorists. The international community must hold them accountable for the violence that they spread - and the lives that they have taken.
(OPERATION CAST LEAD WAR CRIMINAL)Retired General Amos Yadlin, a former head of Israeli military intelligence: “A gradual military intervention along the lines of the Libyan model of a Western aerial campaign seems the most effective response to the Syrian crisis.” Amos Yadlin: Only bombing Assad's forces will stop the slaughter nowIt need not become 'another Iraq' and the Syrian military challenge can be met. Indeed, examination indicates that six arguments propounded by opponents of Western military intervention do not hold much water, and instead suggests that Western inaction is likely to hasten the very scenario that opponents of military intervention seek to avoid.First, Syria need not become "another Iraq".Those who resist intervention warn that military intervention might end in the West becoming mired in another Muslim country, on the heels of the unsuccessful Afghan and Iraqi experiences. This argument belittles the West's successful experience in Kosovo 20 years ago and in Libya in 2011, where intensive airpower removed Gaddafi, stopped the bloodbath, and enabled democratic elections.Moreover, a military intervention need not involve a ground invasion or even peacekeeping forces – which, in any case, would have little influence on Assad. The recommended model, built on the lessons of Iraq, is a Western aerial campaign that paves the way for regime change, as it did in Kosovo and in Libya. There are no "boots on the ground", at least initially (and should that become necessary, Turkish forces should be assigned to this mission).The suggested strategy in Syria is to use gradual steps to convince Assad that an international campaign is a credible option: from moving aircraft carriers to the region and Turkish ground forces to the border, to reconnaissance sorties, no-fly zones, and humanitarian corridors.Second, the Syrian military challenge can be met. Another argument postulates that the Syrian military presents a bigger threat to Western militaries than those confronted in Iraq and Libya. The Syrian defensive capability is not dramatically greater than Iraq's of 1991 or 2003, which already included advanced Russian systems. As the Syrian military has been preoccupied with internal uprisings over the past year and a half, it is likely that its capabilities have even eroded. Therefore, those who doubt the West's capacity to face the current Syrian defence ignore the fact that Western power was built to cope with much greater challenges.Third, the lack of international consensus cannot justify passivity. Those who call for passivity in Syria claim that since there is no consensus among members of the UN Security Council and no explicit Arab League request, there is no legitimacy for foreign military intervention. These arguments ignore the moral obligation − the "Responsibility to Protect" principle − endorsed by the West. Finally, action in Syria might support the international campaign against Iran. Those who oppose intervening contend that it would increase Middle East tensions, move Iran out of the international focus, and sharpen the rift between Russia and China and the other members of the P5+1 who lead the negotiations with Tehran.Acting in Syria however, could weaken, if not break, the nexus between Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and Palestinian terror organisations, and therefore likely contain Iranian influence in the Levant. This would have a dramatic impact on the balance of power between radical and pragmatic forces in the region. And it would signal to Iran the West's resolve to back up its interests and threats with force. A gradual military intervention along the lines of the Libyan model of a Western aerial campaign seems the most effective response to the Syrian crisis. Only if Assad assesses that Western intervention is a real threat might he abdicate and make room for leadership with better prospects for halting the violence. The West must not let unfounded fears guide its policy while atrocities in Syria continue.Amos Yadlin is Executive Director of the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University and former Head of Military Intelligence of the Israeli Defence Forces
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(OPERATION CAST LEAD WAR CRIMINAL)Retired General Amos Yadlin, a former head of Israeli military intelligence: “A gradual military intervention along the lines of the Libyan model of a Western aerial campaign seems the most effective response to the Syrian crisis.” Amos Yadlin: Only bombing Assad's forces will stop the slaughter nowIt need not become 'another Iraq' and the Syrian military challenge can be met. Indeed, examination indicates that six arguments propounded by opponents of Western military intervention do not hold much water, and instead suggests that Western inaction is likely to hasten the very scenario that opponents of military intervention seek to avoid.First, Syria need not become "another Iraq".Those who resist intervention warn that military intervention might end in the West becoming mired in another Muslim country, on the heels of the unsuccessful Afghan and Iraqi experiences. This argument belittles the West's successful experience in Kosovo 20 years ago and in Libya in 2011, where intensive airpower removed Gaddafi, stopped the bloodbath, and enabled democratic elections.Moreover, a military intervention need not involve a ground invasion or even peacekeeping forces – which, in any case, would have little influence on Assad. The recommended model, built on the lessons of Iraq, is a Western aerial campaign that paves the way for regime change, as it did in Kosovo and in Libya. There are no "boots on the ground", at least initially (and should that become necessary, Turkish forces should be assigned to this mission).The suggested strategy in Syria is to use gradual steps to convince Assad that an international campaign is a credible option: from moving aircraft carriers to the region and Turkish ground forces to the border, to reconnaissance sorties, no-fly zones, and humanitarian corridors.Second, the Syrian military challenge can be met. Another argument postulates that the Syrian military presents a bigger threat to Western militaries than those confronted in Iraq and Libya. The Syrian defensive capability is not dramatically greater than Iraq's of 1991 or 2003, which already included advanced Russian systems. As the Syrian military has been preoccupied with internal uprisings over the past year and a half, it is likely that its capabilities have even eroded. Therefore, those who doubt the West's capacity to face the current Syrian defence ignore the fact that Western power was built to cope with much greater challenges.Third, the lack of international consensus cannot justify passivity. Those who call for passivity in Syria claim that since there is no consensus among members of the UN Security Council and no explicit Arab League request, there is no legitimacy for foreign military intervention. These arguments ignore the moral obligation − the "Responsibility to Protect" principle − endorsed by the West. Finally, action in Syria might support the international campaign against Iran. Those who oppose intervening contend that it would increase Middle East tensions, move Iran out of the international focus, and sharpen the rift between Russia and China and the other members of the P5+1 who lead the negotiations with Tehran.Acting in Syria however, could weaken, if not break, the nexus between Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and Palestinian terror organisations, and therefore likely contain Iranian influence in the Levant. This would have a dramatic impact on the balance of power between radical and pragmatic forces in the region. And it would signal to Iran the West's resolve to back up its interests and threats with force. A gradual military intervention along the lines of the Libyan model of a Western aerial campaign seems the most effective response to the Syrian crisis. Only if Assad assesses that Western intervention is a real threat might he abdicate and make room for leadership with better prospects for halting the violence. The West must not let unfounded fears guide its policy while atrocities in Syria continue.Amos Yadlin is Executive Director of the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University and former Head of Military Intelligence of the Israeli Defence Forces
ZIONIST WINEP ,THE TURKISH PROGRAM AND SYRIA... Key to Damascus lies in Ankara? Washington must engage Turkey before conflagration further complicates U.S. options for addressing the Syrian civil war,writes Soner Cagaptay.Syria promises to be a major headache for the Obama administration during its second term.But if Washington works with Ankara effectively, Turkey can help the U.S. achieve an endgame in Damascus. To facilitate this coordination, Washington should assign a full-time, high-level White House envoy to work with Ankara on Syria.Turkey, a NATO ally, might prematurely get pulled into the Syria conflict.To avoid this risky scenario, Washington must be able to anticipate Ankara’s next steps, and find ways to pull Ankara back when necessary.For Ankara, the Syrian conflict is a conflagration next door that needs to be extinguished now. Assad has to go, and fast. Many reasons drive the Turkish calculus. Erdogan may not have the patience to wait for the soft landing that Washington desires. This is where White House envoy to coordinate Syria policy with Ankara comes in.This envoy’s task would be two fold. The first task is listening. Take for instance, recent reports that Ankara might be training anti-Assad elements, while turning a blind eye to Salafist penetration into Syria. …….The envoy’s second job would be to wield the White House’s clout in real-time. Erdogan, who has an amicable relationship with President Obama, would feel compelled to listen to Obama’s emissary.Erdogan is savvy enough not to launch a full-scale military invasion of Syria. Such an adventure would surpass Turkey’s economic and military capacity. ….If not coordinated with the United States, such Turkish steps will complicate U.S. Syria policy. [[[[[[[For starters, an impetuous move on Turkey’s part would force Washington and Ankara to hash out their “day after” policies before having a chance to work out differences of views on the role of opposition elements such as the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria.]]]]]]]
ZIONIST WINEP ,LATEST PANEL DISCUSSION:WE STRONGLY,STRONGLY,STRONGLY SUPPORT SYRIAN OPPOSITION...ZIONIST US AMBASSADOR TO SYRIA PRESENT SAYS:POSSIBLE SOME OF OUR WEAPONS IN AL QAEDAS(CIA-DUHS MERCENARIES) HANDS Ambassador: Al-Qaida probably has U.S. weaponry Robert S. Ford, the U.S. ambassador to Syria, says it’s possible that arms and munitions paid for by the United States are finding their way into al-Qaeda hands in Syria.It was at a panel discussion held by the Middle East Institute in Washington that he declared, “We strongly, strongly, strongly support the efforts of the Syrian opposition coalition to develop its organization….we think they are absolutely…they are a legitimate representative of the Syrian peoples’ aspiration and we will work with them, we will cooperate with them.” But there has been evidence of growing activity by al-Qaida and Islamic extremist elements inside Syria as part of that opposition coalition, officials note. And they may be getting some of the military supplies..Ford acknowledged that there is no way to be able to track the destinations of all of the weapons help that is going into the region, and it’s possible al-Qaida – or other anti-American jihadist groups – could be collecting some.He said, “We do not want arms to get into the hands of extremists.”[[[[[[[However, the ambassador said the U.S. wants the region to achieve a political solution, rather than a military solution. Therefore, he said, the administration will help provide weapons so long as it “plays into enabling the Syrian people to achieve a political solution.”]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[He said the Syrian opposition members “have a vision of Syria in the future that we strongly support, in a country that would be democratic and would support human rights.”This democratic and humanitarian nature of the opposition is often contrasted by the Obama administration against the barbarous and murdering regime of Assad.]]]]]]]]]]]]Yet two days ago, a suicide bomber of the anti-Assad coalition, in a Christian suburb of Damascus that was considered loyal to Assad, detonated himself in a market, killing 20 innocent people.Analysts also express concern that what started off as a protest in opposition to Assad’s regime may turn into a catalyst for extremist actions against Christians in Syria.[[[[[[[[Ford also played down the presence of al-Qaida.“There is an al-Qaida front in Syria,” he said. “I do not think by any means it is the majority of the opposition.”]]]]]]]]]However, he said such extremists “pose a real danger to the political solution Syria needs.”This is not the first time that concern over the U.S. funding or supplying al-Qaida has been raised.In the Libyan uprising against Moammar Gadhafi, American arms and supplies did fall into the hands of al-Qaida-affiliated groups that were even potentially responsible for the attack on the consulate in Benghazi.
WINEP ZIONISTS,FSA HANG OUT IN BARRACKS IN TURKEY Watch Monday's webcast with defense expert Jeffrey White and Syria expert Andrew J. Tabler as they report from a recent month-long visit to the Syrian border region. As the rebellion in Syria enters its eighteenth month -- with escalating violence, increasing refugee flows, and diminishing hope for a political solution -- southwestern Turkey has become a critical transit point where personnel and arms move easily across the border. [[[[[[[Washington Institute fellows Andrew J. Tabler and Jeffrey White have just returned from a month in the Hatay and Kilis provinces as well as Lebanon, where they observed the conflict up close and met with key figures from the armed and unarmed Syrian opposition who may play a leading role in determining the country's future]]]]]]]
ZIONISTS ,CFR AND WHAT SHOULD ZIONIST RAN US POLICY BE IN SYRIA.. ZIONISTS ,CFR AND .. What Should U.S. Policy Be... What Should U.S. Policy Be in Syria? Max Boot, et al. Council on Foreign Relations Authors: Max Boot, (ZIONIST)Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow for National Security Studies, Council on Foreign Relations(ZIONIST)Brian Fishman, (ZIONIST)Counterterrorism Research Fellow, New America Foundation, Fellow with the Combating Terrorism Center, West Point Ed Husain, (ZIONIST)Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, Council on Foreign RelationsAndrew Tabler, (ZIONIST)Senior Fellow in the Program on Arab Politics, Washington Institute for Near East Policy Interviewer(s): Jonathan Masters,(ZIONIST)Online Editor/Writer
[[[[[CFR's Max Boot says Washington needs "to get off the sidelines" and build a coalition of allies to enforce a Libya-style no-fly zone.]]]]] [[[[[The New American Foundation's Brian Fishman notes U.S. military intervention is unlikely to produce a stable Syrian government post-conflict, and recommends a patient approach of training and modestly arming rebels.]]]]][[[[[ CFR's Ed Husainsays Washington should avoid inserting itself directly in the twenty-one-month old conflict, a move that would jeopardize the credibility of the rebellion.]]]]]] The Washington's Institute's[[[[[[[Andrew Tabler says the United States should transition from its covert "light footprint" support for armed Syrian opposition to overt outreach to non-extremist groups in the Free Syrian Army, including the provision of arms.]]]]]]]]]
Max Boot, Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow for National Security Studies, Council on Foreign Relations
It is high time for the United States to get off the sidelines as allies such as Turkey
and Israel, Britain and France, Saudi Arabia and Qatar
have been urging it to do. As a first step, Washington should assemble a coalition to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria. The United States would have to take the lead in dismantling Syrian air defenses, but could then hand off the enforcement of the NFZ to allies, as was the case in Libya. (Even if the United States and its allies are not willing to send aircraft over Syria, a more limited NFZ could still be enforced by Patriot batteries in Jordan and Turkey.)
While all this military activity is going on, U.S. diplomats and intelligence officers should be working to buttress the provisional government that will take power after Assad's downfall. It is vitally important to start planning now for a post-Assad Syria if it is to avoid becoming another Somalia—or even another Libya.
[ed notes:click link for whole piece..just citing few short,all zionists and neocons,promoting regime change against bashar al assad..what else is new right?lol
Salafi Adnan Al-Arour Appeals to Israel for Help in Treating FSA ...
FSA Field Commander Tells Israeli TV in Syria that Sharon is his Friend if he's against Bashar
Israeli Channel 2 snuck into Syria from Turkey with the aid of some Syrians
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SYRIAN OPPOSITION LEADERS MET WITH GENERAL PAUL E. VALLELY WHO'S TIED TO ISRAHELL,ZIONISTS,NEOCONS AND THOSE BEHIND MOSSAD 9/11 ATTACK!! Vallely meets with Syrian opposition leaders in Turkey on the Syrian border in June–-intel-gathered-on-syria-now-on-display/
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valellys book preface by oliver north! |
This is the third in a four-part series of exerpts from Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror, by Thomas G. McInerney and Paul E. Vallely
[[[[[The Syrian regime has little popular support–and its leaders know it. While impressive to some on paper, Syria’s military is unimpressive in reality. In short, Syria cannot bargain from a position of strength and, therefore, it would be unconscionable for the United States to delay acting quickly and decisively to cut Syria out of the Web of Terror.]]]]][[[[[[[[[[Syria is a domino waiting to fall.]]]]]]][[[[[[ It is an enormous supporter of terrorism–but it lacks the oil wealth of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Iraq. Facing the Mediterranean Sea, Syria is an ideal place to use America’s dominant sea and air power. ]]]]]]]]Coalition forces would move quickly into Syria and the Bekaa Valley, guiding precision air strikeson terrorist training camps, harassing any terrorists who flee U.S. air assaults, and seeking storage sites for weapons of mass destruction. Delivering reinforcements quickly at key points would be a relatively simple affair.For their part, the Syrians hope to give the United States just enough cooperation to prevent military action, and perhaps even gain economic aid, while continuing to serve as the conduit of Iran’s support to Palestinian terror groups and aiding the broader Web of Terror. [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[The United States must end Syria’s double game immediately by issuing an ultimatum to Syria’s president, Bashar Assad: expel all terror groups from Syrian soil and Syrian-controlled Lebanon, give up all Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, and stop letting Iranian cadres, weapons, and money pass through your country to Palestinian terror groups–or the United States and a coalition of the willing will topple your regime.Bashar Assad should be made to realize that he has two options: cooperate with the civilized world against terror, as Colonel Gaddafi is apparently doing, or be toppled like Saddam Hussein.]]]]]]]]]
Israeli Experts Forecast Scenarios in Syria | Jewish & Israel News ...
Do rebels have what it takes to overthrow Bashar al-Assad’s government? Why hasn’t the United Nations or the European Union taken action to stop an ongoing massacre in Syria that has thus far claimed more than 40,000 victims? Why does Iran support Syria? How do the events currently unfolding across the border affect Israel?Five research fellows from the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) provided a synopsis of the competing interests at play in Syria in interviews with Israel Hayom.Lt. Col. (res.) Michael Segall, another veteran of Israel’s intelligence apparatus who is also a research fellow at JCPA, explains why the Iranians are so eager to come to Assad’s aid. “From Iran’s standpoint, Syria is perceived as an important element in its rejectionist front against the West in general, and Israel in particular,” he said. “The Iranians refer to Syria as ‘the golden link,’ because for years Syria has played host to terrorist organization and it has allowed the free flow of weapons from Iran to Hezbollah in Lebanon.”According to Segall, Iran is opposed to the widely held view that the events in Syria are an outgrowth of the Arab Spring. Instead, Tehran believes the anti-Assad uprising is the latest effort to thwart the resistance movement against the West, which Iran views as “the Great Satan,” and against Israel, or “the little Satan.”“The Iranians are operating out in the open,” he said How will this impact Israel? [[[[[[[Neriah said that the ruler who succeeds Assad or the organizations that take over the country “will initially be preoccupied with rebuilding the country and will thus drop the Golan Heights issue from the agenda.”]]]]] [[[[[[''To the same extent, however, they may need to find an issue that offers them a goal that they could all unite around, and conflict with Israel certainly fills this need,” Neriah said]]]]].
JEWISH DAILY FORWARD: Laying Groundwork for Life After Syria’s Assad As Regime Teeters, Jews Outreach to Rebel Fighters
“The agreed line by the opposition is that the status quo in the Golan Heights will be maintained until conditions permit for organizing peace talks,” said Abdulhamid, referring to Israel’s occupation of that area since the 1967 Six Day War.This approach could satisfy Jewish and pro-Israel groups whose focus on Syria’s future government in any event prioritizes other concerns.The American Israel Public Affairs Committee in a recent memo focused on the danger Israel faces from Syrian chemical weapons stockpiles and ballistic missiles, which are believed to be capable of targeting central Israel. The three talking points issued by AIPAC call for international pressure to stop human rights abuses by the Assad regime, for an end to Syria’s support for anti-Israel terror groups, and for an international drive to investigate the country’s illicit nuclear program.some Jewish groups are, in fact, reaching out to Syrian opposition, based on a joint humanitarian cause.The American Jewish Committee, which has hosted several events with Syrian dissidents, is active in bringing to light abuses carried out by the regime. “The options for Jewish groups as Jewish groups are relatively limited,” said Felice Gaer, director of the AJC’s Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights. “They cannot reach a peace agreement and will not solve the Syrian problem. But they can call for humane principles in the conduct of the government and those rebelling against it.”
ZIONIST ISRAHELLI THINK TANK BESA :END OF SYRIA... are the implications for israel and the region of thiscontinuing instability?
[[[[[[[[[[[[[Prof. Efraim Inbar: First of all, we can admit that Israel doesn’t mind that fact that its adversaries are bleeding themselves a bit. ]]]]]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[We have no love lost for Assad.]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Furthermore, the conflict is acerbating the Sunni-Shiite divide, and bringing Iran and Turkey into conflict too. An outcome that reduces Russian and Iranian influence in Syria would be welcome, as well.Secondly, we should recognize that many national security issues in the eastern Mediterranean will be affected by the outcome in Syria, including the character of Cyprus, an island of great strategic importance. The eastern Mediterranean also holds enormous gas deposits that if properly developed can help Europe become less dependent on Russia and Turkey.The crisis in Syria is but a sideshow compared to the crisis over Iran’s development of nuclear weapons. [[[[[[[[[[[[Prof. Joshua Teitelbaum: Obviously, the best result for both Israel and the West, regardless of who emerges on top, is a new regime that is concerned with internal development and that does not support Iran and Hizballah]]]]]]]]].An independent Kurdistan, involving Kurds in Iran, Syria, Iraq, and hopefully Turkey, would be a good development for Israel and the West as well.[[[[[[[[Dr. Eitan Shamir: Let’s not forget that the Syrian army is slowly crumbling and disintegrating.The Syrian Army was the last military on Israel’s borders that possessed full armored and infantry divisions, artillery and an air force. Assuming that Egypt and Jordan maintain their peace agreements with Israel, this means that Israel has no direct threat from a conventional military on its borders]]]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[[[[Dr. Max Singer: In retrospect, one thing is very clear: Israel was wise not to deliver the Golan to Syria. Indeed, the case for keeping the Golan may grow even stronger as events unfold. It is becoming apparent that Syria is not a real country. Since its establishment, Syria ruled the Golan for only 22 years and it certainly is not entitled to receive it again now]]]]]]]]]]]
THE QUEEN OF ZIONS ''CHATTAM HOUSE'' ,AND SYRIASummary and Review of Chatham House paper – ‘Syria: Prospects for Intervention’
After assessing the balance of consequences of both non-intervention versus intervention and non- military versus military intervention, participants of the Chatham House Meeting determined three likely options for future action: increased provision of weaponry to the FSA and amplification of covert intervention; reprisal air strikes in response to widespread bloodshed in Aleppo; and an augmentation of sanctions on Syria.Regardless of the political implications of any of these three options, what is clear is that decisive action must be taken as the humanitarian crisis in Syria worsens and major cities descend into chaos. Near to 20,000 have already perished and more than 134,000 refugees are fled the country.[[[[[[[ The Meeting concluded with the argument that proactive action, though it will have immediate, and significant, consequences, may ultimately be preferable to simply waiting for further atrocities to happen.]]]]]
After assessing the balance of consequences of both non-intervention versus intervention and non- military versus military intervention, participants of the Chatham House Meeting determined three likely options for future action: increased provision of weaponry to the FSA and amplification of covert intervention; reprisal air strikes in response to widespread bloodshed in Aleppo; and an augmentation of sanctions on Syria.Regardless of the political implications of any of these three options, what is clear is that decisive action must be taken as the humanitarian crisis in Syria worsens and major cities descend into chaos. Near to 20,000 have already perished and more than 134,000 refugees are fled the country.[[[[[[[ The Meeting concluded with the argument that proactive action, though it will have immediate, and significant, consequences, may ultimately be preferable to simply waiting for further atrocities to happen.]]]]]
Syria: Prospects for Intervention Meeting Summary Chatham House, August 2012 Download paper hereThis is a summary of discussions that took place in a closed-door study group bringing together experts from Chatham House's Middle East and North Africa, International Law and International Security programmes.With little or no prospect for a negotiated end to the civil conflict in Syria, the discussion focused on the prospects for foreign intervention across a range of options, taking into account the current diplomatic stalemate, existing lines of support to conflicting parties, and alternative international approaches that may emerge as the situation deteriorates.
[[[[[[Key findings:Foreign intervention is already occurring, semi-covertly, in the form of weapons supply and training to the Free Syrian Army (FSA)]]]]]], logistical and communications support, and non-military actions such as sanctions, together with diplomatic support (if not full recognition) for opposition groups such as the Syrian National Council (SNC).
[[[[[[[[[[The choice is no longer one of intervention versus non-intervention, but rather between maintaining or increasing existing levels of external intervention and allowing the conflict to drift. Intervention is occurring at a number of levels and there is a need for the international community to consider carefully both the consequences of the ongoing semi-covert intervention and the possible consequences of more overt military intervention.]]]]]]]]]
[[[[[[The most likely options for scaled-up intervention are the supply of more and heavier arms to the FSA and an intensification of covert action; punitive air strikes triggered by a major crisis such as a massacre in Aleppo; and an intensification of externally imposed sanctions. ]]]]]]]]The risks associated with the first two scenarios are high and the benefits are not easily quantifiable in view of the inevitable unforeseen consequences. In August, two Bahraini MPs from a Salafist party, Al-Asala, announced they had visited FSA fighters in Aleppo and provided them with funds.Although the Bahraini foreign ministry noted that this was not an official visit,the head of Al-Asala is the deputy foreign minister. The episode also illustrated the increasingly sectarian tone of the debate over Syria: for instance, the MPs praised the FSA for fighting the ‘Safavids’, a term that is used to refer both to Iranians and to Shia Muslims.
During the Egyptian protests that ousted Hosni Mubarak as president last year, Israel worried its critical peace partner would be taken over by Islamist radicals.[[[[[[[Now, as another Arab neighbour – Syria – faces escalating bloodshed and turmoil, Israel appears more relaxed about regime change there.]]]]]] The difference? Analysts say Israel doubts that Islamists will take over in Syria after the expected downfall of President Bashar Al Assad.[[[[[[They add that Israel may also feel a new Syrian government may be friendlier towards the West and more distant from Iran and groups such as Lebanon’s Hizbollah that are anti-Israel.Some Syrian opposition leaders are already warning there will be payback for Hizbollah, which has used Damascus as a safe haven, if Mr Al Assad goes.Mr Assad’s fall would mean less military and political aid for Hizbollah, reducing its threat to Israel.Last week, Moshe Yaalon, a vice Israeli prime minister, slammed accusations Israel was trying to sustain Mr Assad’s rule because it feared a new regime would destabilise the relatively quiet border between Israel and Syria.]]]]]]Mr Yaalon, in one of the few public statements by top Israeli officials about the violence in Syria, told a radio station Mr Assad’s ouster could be good for Israel, spurring “a fissure in the Tehran-Damascus-Beirut-Hamas axis of evil”.Mr Yaalon also rejected the assessment by some analysts that Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood, banned since 1963, may re-emerge as a major political force.Mr Yaalon said the Islamist organisation is unlikely to gain power because it is too weak after years of state repression.Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak in mid-December predicted – wrongly – that Mr Assad would lose power “within a few weeks”, adding his downfall would be a “blessing for the Middle East”.[[[[[[[[The comments by Mr Yaalon and Mr Barak show Israel may welcome a takeover by Syrian opposition groups.Indeed, in the interview, Mr Yaalon did not deny Israel has had contact with opposition members, saying “whether there is contact or not, you don’t expect me to discuss these things in the media”.Analysts say Israeli officials have mostly kept mum about criticising events in Syria – which Israel considers an enemy – to avoid having Mr Al Assad try to win public support and sympathy by saying Israel is backing his rivals.]]]]]]]The Israeli government has long had a tense relationship with Syria.While the frontier has been relatively calm since the two countries signed an armistice in 1974 after the Arab-Israeli war a year earlier, Israel has blamed its northern neighbour for co-operating with Iran, the Palestinian group, Hamas – that rules Gaza – and Hizbollah.Indeed, the Israeli army says most of the rockets and anti-tank missiles in the arsenal of Hizbollah, which fought a 34-day war with Israel in 2006, are transferred across the border from Syria.Damascus has also long hosted the leaders of Hamas, but the Islamist group has reduced its Syrian presence, partly because many of the Sunni Muslims killed in the violence were its supporters.Meir Zamir, a professor at Israel’s Ben-Gurion University, said unlike with Mr Mubarak, known for his close cooperation on security and diplomacy with Israel and the US, Mr Al Assad and Israeli officials have often traded insults
“As the opposition in Syria gets stronger, there is an understanding in Israel that the collapse of the Assad family may be beneficial,” said Mr Zamir.”The general view is that Israel has nothing to lose from the collapse of this regime.”He added Israel has less at stake with Syria because, unlike Egypt and Jordan, there is no peace agreementAnalysts say despite Israeli officials appearing to warm to the idea of a changed Syrian regime, Mr Assad is unlikely to give up power so easily.”I wouldn’t bury this regime too early,” said Shlomo Brom, a former army general and now an analyst at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University.”It still controls the instruments of violence – the military and security services – and the rebellion is too weak. Without foreign intervention, I don’t see an end to the regime.”
Syrian Turmoil Convenient for the (ZIONIST RAN) U.S., Says ( ZIONIST ISRAHELLI ) Expert
Prof. Zaki Shalom tries to explain why the Americans are remaining silent as President Bashar Al-Assad slaughters his own peopleThe turmoil in Syria is convenient for the United States, according to Prof. Zaki Shalom, a specialist on policy,security and international relations.Prof. Shalom spoke to Arutz Sheva on Monday, and tried to explain why the Americans are remaining relatively silent as President Bashar Al-Assad continues to slaughter his own people.He said that behind every U.S. move there are varied and complex interests, and that the Syrian issue is no different. He noted the upcoming election and said the White House prefers to keep any international conflicts to a minimum.“They want to avoid embarrassment which would endanger the President's position, a position that is not very good as it is,” said Prof. Shalom, adding that this is also the reason why the Americans are silent on the issue of Iran's nuclear program.“(ZIONIST RAN) Americans do not shed a tear over the fact that Syria is being weakened,” he added,[[[[[saying that he believes that the Americans, unlike some of the Israelis, do not believe that the rebels are necessarily the ‘good guys’ in the Syrian turmoil.]]]]]“The Americans know the truth that both sides are slaughtering one another and that their intervening will result in their being tarnished,” said Prof. Shalom. He added, however, the Americans are maintaining low-level contacts with Syrian officials.
American officers are located near the Syrian borders and intelligence ties continue between U.S. representatives and Syrian elements, he said.
[[[[[[Another fact that makes the Americans satisfied with the events in Syria is the close relationship between Russia and China and Syria, said Prof. Shalom. The headache caused to both these powers because of the events in Syria is, at the end of the day, convenient for the Americans, he said]]]]]]]].
[ED NOTES;THIS ZIO PROFESSOR.. SOME BACKROUND Zaki Shalom is a member of the research staff at the Institute for National Security Studies and the Ben-Gurion Research Institute at Ben-Gurion University
[[[[[The international community with U.S. leadership needs urgently to prepare a stabilization force to save Syria once Assad finally falls. Modern Syria is an artificial French creation. When Assad falls, it will splinter on Sunni-Alawite and Arab-Kurd lines. Al Qaeda and Hizbullah will grab chemical and other deadly weapons. Lebanon and Jordan may be engulfed in the chaos]]]]]]]. [[[[[[[[To save Syria, NATO should plan and lead the force, the Arab League should provide legitimacy, and Turkey should provide the bulk of the troops with token Arab and Pakistani contingents. America and Europe can help with experts and air power. The Saudis, Qataris, and UAE can pay. But the time to organize is now, not when the crisis breaks upon us.]]]]]]]]
[ed notes;priceless!The CIA AGENT / '' ZIONIST ''who wants to save Syria '',who urges NATO lead an invasion force,arab league provide legitimacy,te gcc monarchies fund the costs!!! priceless!! some backround on bruce riedel... He is a contributor to Which Path to Persia: Options for a New American Strategy Toward Iran(2009)
EXPERIENCE Past Positions
Member, Royal College of Defense Studies, London, UK (2002-2003)
Special Advisor, NATO, Brussels, Belgium (2003-2006)
Various assignments, Central Intelligence Agency (1977-1990)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CSIS,Cordesman (THE NATO PUPPET) AND SYRIA ...''GIVE COVERT OPERATORS NEW RANGE OF TOOLS IN SYRIA''
A Technological Fix for Safely Arming Syria's Rebels By Anthony Cordesman
A Technological Fix for Safely Arming Syria's Rebels By Anthony Cordesman
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On the other hand, the situation will often be little better if the United States does not intervene.Such equalizers could greatly reduce the need to directly project U.S. power in some contingenciesand give our Special Forces and covert operators a whole new range of tools. They could alter the structure of proxy warfare and our ability to work with allies who directly transfer such weapons, without giving up final U.S. protections and controls. They could give friendly and moderate local forces a major advantage over extremists. Many of these choices will center on politics, regional stability, and the need for civil and humanitarian forms of aid. It seems almost certain, however, that the United States will repeatedly face the same security dilemmas it faced in Libya and now faces in Syria: either finding some way to intervene with military force, or standing by-both with unpredictable and highly negative potential consequences.Whether myth or reality, the Colt Arms Company is reported to have advertised that "God made man, but Samuel Colt made them equal." Light "smart weapons" can have much the same effect, as can limited transfers of short-range artillery devices and bomb-making materials. The U.S. problem with mortars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Israeli problem with rockets, and the growing challenge of bombs and improved explosive devices (IEDs) are all cases in point.This helps explain why countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar have talked to the United States about giving the Syrian Liberation Army (SLA) and other "moderate" Syrian forces such weapons. A dictator-controlled military force like Bashar al-Assad's will still have the advantage in more advanced weapons, but it would face massive problems in using such force against a better-armed mass popular uprising.A popular insurgency could then inflict far more serious casualties with far less risk of collateral damage and losses on its own side, as well as have far more motivation to persist. It will be able to create its own safe zones, take advantage of "no fly" or "no move" zones enforced with limited uses of U.S. or allied force, and be able to quickly become far more effective with limited training by U.S. or other Special Forces.In some cases, even the threat of such transfers-coming from a U.S.-supplied allied or friendly state-could force an authoritarian regime to compromise or leave, knowing it could not win the resulting war of attrition. The transfer of "equalizers" could be as much a negotiating tool and deterrent as a method of combat. It also could bring a quicker end to long popular struggles and do so before they were polarized on ethnic or sectarian lines and gave growing power to the most extreme elements. At the same time, the very fact the United States obviously has such weapons could tilt the balance toward political settlement in some cases, and actually deploying them would make a critical difference in others. Counterterrorism and counterinsurgency do not have to be "classic" and involve the large-scale U.S. deployments as is the past. Such equalizers could reverse the present pattern of asymmetric warfare where cheap, relatively low-cost systems increasingly offset the U.S. advantage in advanced weapons and technology.
Anthony H. Cordesman holds the Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.
[ed notes:im just citing few excerpts click link for whole piece.this think tank is of course funded by worlds biggest criminal corporations in west.It also played a role in supporting rationale for supporting Contras in Nicaragua.The aim of this paper is to cover all bases,continue aiding opposition with weapons,and create a system of new pipelines sending newer more effective weapons to facilitate regime change in Syria...these would include mechanisms wich could be shut off whenever the proxy insurgents decide to go astray,not follow west script,or no longer serve their purpose(excatly in same way as mujahid in afghanistan were turned into new enemy after defeating russia there)..from a neocolonial strategists perspective,its like shooting two,three birds with one stone.this is also a way to protect themselves,since they are channeling weapons into all these terrorist groups,thru saudi arabia and qatar,many of wich are openly seen and known to be alqaeda groups,us can then use the excuse it wasn't or tried to give them weapons that could not be turned against us interests in future.....some backround on csis A brief history Program directors, chairs and resident senior advisers Corporate officers Board of Trustees and Counselors
... Counselors Zbigniew Brzezinski Henry A. Kissinger James R. Schlesinger Brent Scowcroft Trustees David M. Rubenstein -- Cofounder and Managing Director, The Carlyle Group Frederick B. Whittemore -- Advisory Director, Morgan Stanley Richard Armitage -- President, Armitage International William S. Cohen -- Chairman & CEO, The Cohen Group Muhtar Kent -- President, Chairman and CEO, The Coca-Cola Company
[ed notes:im just citing few excerpts click link for whole piece.this think tank is of course funded by worlds biggest criminal corporations in west.It also played a role in supporting rationale for supporting Contras in Nicaragua.The aim of this paper is to cover all bases,continue aiding opposition with weapons,and create a system of new pipelines sending newer more effective weapons to facilitate regime change in Syria...these would include mechanisms wich could be shut off whenever the proxy insurgents decide to go astray,not follow west script,or no longer serve their purpose(excatly in same way as mujahid in afghanistan were turned into new enemy after defeating russia there)..from a neocolonial strategists perspective,its like shooting two,three birds with one stone.this is also a way to protect themselves,since they are channeling weapons into all these terrorist groups,thru saudi arabia and qatar,many of wich are openly seen and known to be alqaeda groups,us can then use the excuse it wasn't or tried to give them weapons that could not be turned against us interests in future.....some backround on csis A brief history Program directors, chairs and resident senior advisers Corporate officers Board of Trustees and Counselors
... Counselors Zbigniew Brzezinski Henry A. Kissinger James R. Schlesinger Brent Scowcroft Trustees David M. Rubenstein -- Cofounder and Managing Director, The Carlyle Group Frederick B. Whittemore -- Advisory Director, Morgan Stanley Richard Armitage -- President, Armitage International William S. Cohen -- Chairman & CEO, The Cohen Group Muhtar Kent -- President, Chairman and CEO, The Coca-Cola Company
[ed notes:More on the author from CSIS.. Cordesman served as national security assistant to Senator John McCain of the Senate Armed Services Committee and as civilian assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense. He is also a former director of intelligence assessment in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
Cordesman points out improvements in the capability of the Israeli Defense Forces since the fighting againstHezbollah in 2006. He believes the military used "decisive force" against legitimate military objectives, in spite of their very real humanitarian cost. [ed note:unfortunatly for the zionist fraud cordesman,israhell ended up admitting the illegal invasion of lebanon was based on lies.. see.. Israel Admits War Causes Were Fabricated Cordesman's analysis also claimed that Israel did not violate the laws of war Lebanon: UN Rights Council report condemns flagrant Israeli ...more on cordesman... Cordesman also served in other government positions, including at the United States Department of State, Department of Energy, and director of International Staff at NATO. TURNS OUT HE WAS ALSO A PARTICIPANT IN THE ISRAELI PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE CONFERENCE,AND ONTO THE INTERVIEW ...
An Interview with Anthony Cordesman, Israeli Presidential - YouTube | | 19, 2012 - 5 min - Uploaded by PresidentialConf
U.S. PRIORITIES IN LEBANON Syria's Instability Reaches Lebanon
If current trends continue, Lebanese Islamists seem better positioned than Washington's moderate friends to capitalize on Assad's ouster and the emergence of a Sunni-led government in Syria. To forestall such Salafist/Islamist gains, the Obama administration should cajole the March 14 coalition to get its house in order now so that it is better able to compete for Sunni hearts and minds as Syria unravels and Lebanon's elections approach. Saad Hariri has been outside Lebanon for nearly eighteen months, and his absence has led to a Sunni vacuum within the coalition.
Washington [ed note:ran by zionist jews and israhell firsters] must also back up its strong statements about the security of Syria's chemical weapons stockpiles. Among other things, this issue is important for Lebanon's security, since such weapons could be leaked to Hizballah; while perhaps unlikely, they could also fall into the hands of Sunni militants in Syria, who might then transfer them to ideological fellow travelers in Lebanon. Either scenario would heighten the risk of chaos in Lebanon and another conflagration with Israel.
If current trends continue, Lebanese Islamists seem better positioned than Washington's moderate friends to capitalize on Assad's ouster and the emergence of a Sunni-led government in Syria. To forestall such Salafist/Islamist gains, the Obama administration should cajole the March 14 coalition to get its house in order now so that it is better able to compete for Sunni hearts and minds as Syria unravels and Lebanon's elections approach. Saad Hariri has been outside Lebanon for nearly eighteen months, and his absence has led to a Sunni vacuum within the coalition.
Washington [ed note:ran by zionist jews and israhell firsters] must also back up its strong statements about the security of Syria's chemical weapons stockpiles. Among other things, this issue is important for Lebanon's security, since such weapons could be leaked to Hizballah; while perhaps unlikely, they could also fall into the hands of Sunni militants in Syria, who might then transfer them to ideological fellow travelers in Lebanon. Either scenario would heighten the risk of chaos in Lebanon and another conflagration with Israel.
David Schenker is the Aufzien fellow and director of the Program on Arab Politics at The Washington Institute.
Is the End Near in Damascus?
Whatever the case, the regime appears to have only a few weeks left before it collapses. As the end nears, its allies may issue desperate pleas for a UN-brokered ceasefire, but the rebels see absolutely no advantage in that approach and would surely violate any such truce. For its part, longtime ally Russia may abandon the regime and evacuate its citizens. Meanwhile, regime forces will increasingly defect to the rebels, refuse to obey orders, or go rogue, while senior regime officials may defect or flee Damascus as part of an Alawite flight to the coast. The truest sign of the end, though, would be Iranian officials burning files at their embassy in Damascus.Is the End Near in Damascus?
ANDREW J. TABLER Syria's neighbors currently accommodate 450,000 registered refugees and hundreds of thousands more unregistered. The 1.5 million internally displaced Syrians face a much more dire situation. During my recent visit to the Atmeh refugee camp straddling the Turkey-Syria border, there was little shelter, less food, and no toilets for the 12,000 occupants.
[ed note;winep agents were hanging out not with refugees at the camps but rather free syrian army rebels at their barracks,see... WINEP ZIONISTS,FSA HANG OUT IN BARRACKS IN TURKEY ZIONISTS AND FSA HANG OUT IN BARRACKS IN TURKEY-VIDEO-ZIONIST WAR MONGERS FROM WINEP
Distinct from but related to the SOC, the SMC was intended to coordinate the funneling of weapons to the country's more moderate armed groups. Given the opposition's increasing seizure of regime weaponry, however, the council's purpose is now less clear, as is its ability to corral groups through the provision of arms. Both the SOC and the SMC are steps in the right direction, but despite their initial plans to cooperate, there is little evidence thus far that they will be able to overcome divisions within the opposition.
Some analysts believe that the Obama administration's policy on Syria has been a success -- the Assad regime is about to collapse without any direct American engagement. Still, the struggle over Syria will not be complete for some time. Given the SOC's dubious political clout and the armed opposition's growing prominence, those who are taking the shots against Assad today will be calling the shots once he is gone. In the immediate aftermath of his ouster, Syria might look like it did in 1923, with different sects dominating different areas of the country and major chaos ensuing. Because of its reticence to act, Washington may have lost an opportunity to influence that outcome. Therefore, one powerful reason to provide military assistance to the rebels is to engage with them, gaining knowledge of and leverage with factions that will be key actors in shaping post-Assad Syria.To be sure, the administration's willingness to send diplomats and development officials into such a situation seems remote in light of the fallout from the tragic death of Ambassador Chris Stevens in Libya. Nevertheless, [[[[[Washington must engage directly with these armed groups in order to promote U.S. interests in Syria. Rebel commanders visiting border areas present valuable opportunities to discover which factions are amenable to those interests without venturing into more dangerous areas. Washington should also work directly with moderate civilian and armed groups to channel humanitarian and military assistance and increase U.S. influence. Most important, any outreach must be done overtly rather than covertly, so that the United States can get much-deserved credit for engaging positively in Syria.]]]]]]]]
[ed notes:there you have it a diehard likudnik israhelli agent urging u.s.(ran by zionist jews) to openly,overtly,rather then COVERTLY,arm rebel groups against it gets credit it deserves after hes gone!!!
[[[[[[[[Long before the Arab spring and the armed uprising in Syria, the Israelis had been urging Washington to undermine the Baath regime in Damascus and take it down one way or another, just as they had done years before with the Baath regime in Baghdad. ]]]]][[[[[[The Israelis Ambassador in recent weeks has even taken credit for doing so in public.]]]]]]Western intervention in Syria and throughout today’s Middle East of course goes back nearly a hundred years now to the days of Lawrence of Arabia, the Sykes-Picot agreement, and the intervention of French troops in Syria and British troops in Palestine. [[[[[[[After WWII the Americans have played an escalating role; and with the dominant Israeli/Jewish Lobby influence in Washington on top of 9/11 a new era has begun.The Americans have been intervening from behind for some time in what is now called Syria’s civil war.]]]]]][[[[ CIA involvement has been considerable in arming and training the “rebels”, veting of future political leaders has been going on via the State Department and the oh-so-misnomered U.S. Institute of Peace. ]]]]]][[[[[[[[[The Israelis have been doing their thing quite covertly, along with the Saudis and Qataris less covertly, each for their own reason, all because of the big target, Iran]]]]]]].At each step of the way the U.S. has worked to block any political settlement, a la what was actually agreed to in Geneva earlier this year. Now with more missiles and arms flowing into Turkey, more troops likely to follow once the anti-missile shield is in place, the Russians are warning of a cataclysmic regional war, the Iranians are warning about a world war.When it comes to the U.N., it is not the Russians and Chinese who are blocking a settlement of the conflict. Rather they are preventing another overt and formalized U.N.-sanctioned U.S.-led Western intervention. It is actually the Americans who are blocking a settlement insisting on by-passing the U.N. via the “Friends of Syria” mechanism and pushing the Saudis and Qataris to provide further arms, monies, and encouragement to the “rebels” even as these rebels are known to be heavily infiltrated with jihadis and Muslim “holy-warriors”-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The United Nations General Assembly adopted nine resolutions on the topics of Palestinian rights and the Golan Heights.The resolutions adopted Tuesday criticized Israel for “the continuing systematic violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people,” and focused on “the extremely difficult socioeconomic conditions being faced by the Palestine refugees” in the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem. One resolution condemned Israel for continuing to hold the Golan Heights, and demanded Israel to return the land to Syria. “It’s astonishing,” Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, said Tuesday. “At a time when the Syrian regime is massacring its own people, how can the U.N. call for more people to be subject to Assad’s rule? The timing of today’s text is morally galling and logically absurd.”
[[[[[[[This author has always considered Syria the key to a stable and pacific Lebanon and a disarmed “political” Hizballah. Syria—not Iran—has been the most important support for Hizballah’s terrorist and guerrilla activity against Israel from the north. ]]]]]]]]][[[[[Without Syria’s overall strategic umbrella, specific military and political coordination, and pressure on Beirut to give the organization free rein in southern Lebanon, Hizballah could not have achieved its current status. Syrian aid in heavy weaponry, in addition to Iranian aid, has transformed Hizballah into a strategic partner and an operational arm of the Syrian army. Syria is also heavily involved in the support to all the radical Palestinian organizations and factions and actively participates in the derailing of the peace process between Israel, the Palestinians, and the Arabs]]]]]]]]].28 One could posit that success in the peace process would be profoundly destabilizing for Damascus. It is therefore important to imagine how any changes in the peace process would affect the calculations of its decision makers.289 Syria lacks internal coherence due to its diverse population andminority-dominated regime. To survive, the regime needs transcendentslogans like Arabism.290 [[[[[[[[[The regime requires conflict and radicalism astools for maintaining internal control. Damascus correctly assumes thatany strengthening of U.S. influence in the region will run counter toSyrian interests, so it is no accident that the regime has become the mostsystematically anti-American in the Arab world]]]]]]]]].291
In Syria, U.S. should arm rebels, shape future political agenda, says Wolfowitz
Appearing on CNN’s GPS with Fareed Zakaria, American Enterprise Institute (AEI) scholar Paul Wolfowitz, who has been a proponent of taking military action against Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s regime, reiterated his stance that Syria is not Iraq.“I think Iraq and Syria are almost completely different situations,” said Wolfowitz in response to a question about the mistakes from Iraq’s post-war period.Wolfowitz, who was one of the chief architects of the Iraq invasion and post-war planning as Deputy Secretary of Defense under Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said, for one, there would be no American ground troops necessary in Syria.“Syria is going to be governed by Syrians, and I don’t see why people are so comfortable saying we shouldn’t be arming them, but it’s okay for Islamic, Islamist governments in the Persian Gulf that don’t share our objectives — it’s okay for them to be arming them,” said Wolfowitz, alluding to reports that Iran continues to send arms to Syria.“I think trying to shape the political agenda of that future Syrian government is very important,” he said
Ukraine’s Arms to Syria Set to Grow, While Ukrainian Nationals Are Targeted by(US BACKED) Anti-Assad Forces
President Viktor Yanukovych’s administration has been pragmatic about exporting arms to warring parties and states—including to those opposed by Russia (see EDM, April 17, May 15). In particular, Ukrainian-made weapons have been delivered to insurgents in Syria through (US BACKED) Saudi Arabian proxies.
ZIONIST WAR CRIMINAL .... Oliver North: Strike on Iran's Nuke Facilities 'Only Option' in 2013
North, who just returned from a trip to the Middle East, also says the conflict in Syria looms as a strategic disaster for the United States and its allies, warns that the appointment of Chuck Hagel as secretary of Defense would be a “formula for disaster,” and cautions that cutting defense spending will make the nation more vulnerable to “serious adversaries.” Asked if Syria could become a strategic disaster threatening Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, and other nations in the region, North responds: “It could happen tomorrow. Consider that they’ve got scud missiles. They’ve got replenished missiles from Russia. They’ve got a major Russian naval base on the coast of Syria. And they’ve now got chemical weapons being mixed that can only be used for a 60-day period. It does not bode well for the people of Syria or our allies in the region.”
"Syria's out of step with the progress being made in the greater Middle East ... democracy is on the move, and this is a country that isn't moving with the democratic movement. ... It's not in their interest to be isolated."All true, but no one thought to ask, "Who's running Syria?" Negroponte's answer to that question is crucial to many of our hopes for a tranquil outcome in Iraq -- and the Middle East.For the last two years, Syrian President Bashar al Assad has been treated as the man to lead Syria into a better future. Our State Department has described him as "a Western-educated optometrist" and an "anglophile," instead of "son of the previous dictator." Israeli government officials hoped that Assad would "end the long stalemate over terrorist refuges" in Southern Lebanon. All of this now appears to be a false hope [[[[[[[[[[It's now time for the United States to help facilitate the kind of "march toward freedom" that President Bush articulates, without sending in the Marines. That requires Negroponte to lead a careful, quiet collection of good intelligence with a determination of who is in charge in Syria -- if anyone.]]]]]]]]Last Tuesday, the United States recalled our ambassador to Syria, officially citing a need for "urgent consultations following the brutal murder of (Hariri)." That tacit accusal, along with a stern diplomatic note delivered by the ambassador to the Syrian regime, signaled a change in Washington's posture toward Damascus: shape up, fast. Syria appears to have taken the opposite tack.Iran's nuclear ambitions are about as secretive as Syria's control of Lebanon. Iran brazenly refuses to comply with International Atomic Energy Administration directives and refuses to cease enriching uranium.[[[[[[[[Syria and Iran, two Islamofascist thugocracies, are pitted together on the wrong side of history. They are both flanked by democratic governments and violently suppress such movements within their own spheres. Israel insists that Iran is very close to realizing its nuclear ambition. Syria, by partnering with Iran, has shown a willingness to stand against the West]]]]]]].[[[[[[[Syria and Iran both feel the approaching "untamed fire of freedom" President Bush spoke of in his Inaugural Address and are doing everything they can to stomp it out before they get burned. Negroponte's job is to see to it that they do]]]]]]]
Speakers: Madeleine K. Albright, Former Secretary of State, Stephen J. Hadley, Former National Security Adviser, and Steven A. Cook, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, Council on Foreign Relations
Presiders: Anya Schmemann, Communications Director, Council on Foreign Relations Task Force Program, and David R. Ignatius, Associate Editor, Washington Post
May 9, 2012, Washington D.C. Council on Foreign Relations
I think the things we have to do and -- are ones that, first of all, in which we recognize what the areas are that we do have commonality on. I think stability in the Middle East is obviously one of the big ones, and in terms of relationships with Europe, I think issues also on -- energy issues. They are sitting in a geographically amazing place, in terms of various connections of pipelines, discoveries of new fossil fuel, a variety of different aspects,
HADLEY: Well, the task force goes so far as to say that Syria is an issue where Turkey and the United States have to cooperate. It's important to each of us, but neither of us can point the way towards a solution on our own. And that's what the task force report says.[[[[[[[ The secretary and I had a running conversation over the last couple days about what that means operationally, and this is sort of what we've come to, and she can speak for herself.But the two of us have though, well, what does that probably mean? And we would sketch it out this way: It means Assad has to go, sooner rather than later.]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[But third, you know, why is he still in power? He's in power because he still has the support of the army, the business community and the minority groups: Christians, Kurds, Shia and the like. ]]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[So you've got to somehow find a way to break those pillars away from Assad.]]]]]]] [[[[[[[How do you do that? We've talked about, as the administration is trying to do, strengthening the opposition, organizing it, making it more inclusive of all groups in the society, have a cross-sectarian message so the opposition is saying to the army and to the business community and to those minorities, break with Assad and there is a role for you in a new Syria. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]][[[[[[Go down with Assad, and it makes it harder.I've talked in print about how we need, once -- as we set up that kind of opposition, to be willing to arm the resistance through the opposition so that you are arming people who are committed to a cross-sectarian outcome, ]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[so that in the end the future of Syria is dictated by who has the most votes, not just who has the most guns.But I think the thing that -- where the secretary and I have now come to is that we also need to begin to prepare now for some kind of intervention. ]]]]]]]][[[[[[Why prepare now? One, because operationally it's going to be difficult. It's not going to be as easy as Libya was. It's going to be operationally difficult. And secondly, it's going to need the support certainly of the Middle Eastern and the Arab neighbors of Syria, and it's going to take time to arrange that support.]]]]]]]][[[[Do it now; be making those preparations now. That will give leverage on the situation. It may be, in fact, those pillars will break away from Assad even before the intervention, but we need to prepare the intervention now, because if at the end of the day the choice is between Assad surviving this or -- or an intervention, we're going to have to do an intervention, because the lesson or the example of an Assad that survives by attacking his own people is one that is a disaster for the future of freedom and human dignity, which brings you back to Turkey, because any kind of intervention is going to be possible only with close cooperation between the United States and Turkey. It's going to have to be staged out of Turkey in some way. Jordan and Libya (sic) are not strong enough to sustain it.]]]]]ALSO SEE THIS CLASSIC...FLASHBACK-LADY ALBRIGTH ''WHORE OF BABYLON'' AND REGIME CHANGE IN SYRIA
1996 U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright in an interview with Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq – May 12, 1996
Syria challenges Israel on Lebanese soil. An effective approach, and one with which American can sympathize, would be if Israel seized the strategic initiative along its northern borders by engaging Hizballah, Syria, and Iran …[[[[[[[[[[ including by: …establishing the precedent that Syrian territory is not immune to attacks emanating from Lebanon by Israeli proxy forces. ]]]]]]]]…[[[[[[[[[[[[ Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. ]]]]]]]]]This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq — an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right — as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions. … Were the Hashemites to control Iraq, they could use their influence over Najf to help Israel wean the south Lebanese Shia away from Hizballah, Iran, and Syria.Presiders: Anya Schmemann, Communications Director, Council on Foreign Relations Task Force Program, and David R. Ignatius, Associate Editor, Washington Post
May 9, 2012, Washington D.C. Council on Foreign Relations
I think the things we have to do and -- are ones that, first of all, in which we recognize what the areas are that we do have commonality on. I think stability in the Middle East is obviously one of the big ones, and in terms of relationships with Europe, I think issues also on -- energy issues. They are sitting in a geographically amazing place, in terms of various connections of pipelines, discoveries of new fossil fuel, a variety of different aspects,
HADLEY: Well, the task force goes so far as to say that Syria is an issue where Turkey and the United States have to cooperate. It's important to each of us, but neither of us can point the way towards a solution on our own. And that's what the task force report says.[[[[[[[ The secretary and I had a running conversation over the last couple days about what that means operationally, and this is sort of what we've come to, and she can speak for herself.But the two of us have though, well, what does that probably mean? And we would sketch it out this way: It means Assad has to go, sooner rather than later.]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[But third, you know, why is he still in power? He's in power because he still has the support of the army, the business community and the minority groups: Christians, Kurds, Shia and the like. ]]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[So you've got to somehow find a way to break those pillars away from Assad.]]]]]]] [[[[[[[How do you do that? We've talked about, as the administration is trying to do, strengthening the opposition, organizing it, making it more inclusive of all groups in the society, have a cross-sectarian message so the opposition is saying to the army and to the business community and to those minorities, break with Assad and there is a role for you in a new Syria. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]][[[[[[Go down with Assad, and it makes it harder.I've talked in print about how we need, once -- as we set up that kind of opposition, to be willing to arm the resistance through the opposition so that you are arming people who are committed to a cross-sectarian outcome, ]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[so that in the end the future of Syria is dictated by who has the most votes, not just who has the most guns.But I think the thing that -- where the secretary and I have now come to is that we also need to begin to prepare now for some kind of intervention. ]]]]]]]][[[[[[Why prepare now? One, because operationally it's going to be difficult. It's not going to be as easy as Libya was. It's going to be operationally difficult. And secondly, it's going to need the support certainly of the Middle Eastern and the Arab neighbors of Syria, and it's going to take time to arrange that support.]]]]]]]][[[[Do it now; be making those preparations now. That will give leverage on the situation. It may be, in fact, those pillars will break away from Assad even before the intervention, but we need to prepare the intervention now, because if at the end of the day the choice is between Assad surviving this or -- or an intervention, we're going to have to do an intervention, because the lesson or the example of an Assad that survives by attacking his own people is one that is a disaster for the future of freedom and human dignity, which brings you back to Turkey, because any kind of intervention is going to be possible only with close cooperation between the United States and Turkey. It's going to have to be staged out of Turkey in some way. Jordan and Libya (sic) are not strong enough to sustain it.]]]]]ALSO SEE THIS CLASSIC...FLASHBACK-LADY ALBRIGTH ''WHORE OF BABYLON'' AND REGIME CHANGE IN SYRIA
1996 U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright in an interview with Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq – May 12, 1996
CANADA WATCH- War mongers gather for another conference in Halifax (TO DISCUSS OVERTHROW OF ASSAD)
This year's conference has been dominated by discussion of the Zionist onslaught on Gaza and how to promote the Syrian opposition against the government of Bashar al-Asad.Anti-war activists were on hand to send a powerful message to the war mongers that gathered in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on November 17 that they are not welcome in Canada. The rally organizers were further motivated to condemn the gathering because of Zionist onslaught on defenseless Gaza.The three-day conference (November 17-19) has become a regular fixture in Halifax financed by Canadian taxpayers and pushed by Canadian Defence Minister Peter McKay. The conference is being attended by Defence and intelligence officials from NATO member states as well as Israel.

[[[[[[If Assad defeats his
opponents with the help of Hezbollah and Iran, his survival is bound to
be perceived as a victory for the regional “axis of resistance” to
Israel. And a permanent Iranian presence in Syria would make a war
between Israel and Iran practically unavoidable. Palestine would then be
relegated to an obscure corner of the international agenda]]]]].Complicating
matters further, America’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have limited
its regional clout. The US now faces an unpredictable Middle East that
is writing its own history as well – or as badly – as it can.Syria’s
internal conflict has now become a Sunni-Shia sectarian war that is
spreading across the region. The Sunni clerics who have just declared a
jihad against “the Iranian regime, Hezbollah, and its sectarian allies”
are the voice of millions across the Muslim world.Furthermore,
waves of Syrian refugees are threatening the sustainability of the
Jordanian monarchy, already roiled by profound internal cleavages.
Hezbollah has drawn Lebanon into the Syrian conflict, setting up a
showdown between Shia and Sunni at home.A
similar scenario is already unfolding in Iraq. Turkey, a responsible
regional power, has so far resisted being drawn into the Syrian
quagmire, but its effects can be seen in the rising tensions between the
country’s Sunni majority and the Shia Alevi sect.Inertia
is not an adequate response in an era of revolutionary change.
Unfortunately, Israel is missing a coherent regional strategy.
Netanyahu, always on the defensive, does not view Middle East turmoil as
a trigger for a proactive strategy that would use a solution to the
Palestinian problem as leverage for broader positive change in the
burdened by the cost of its Middle East troubles, eager to refocus on
Asia, and no longer in need of Arab oil, can allow itself to leave the
region to its destiny. Israel is part of the region and has a strong
interest in helping to shape its future.Israel
has traditionally strived to forge alliances with the region’s
minorities – Kurds, Persians, Maronites, and others. [[[[[Now is the time for
a major shift to an alliance with the region’s overwhelming Sunni
should follow Obama, whose recent decision to arm the Syrian rebels,
though belated and still ill-defined, is a choice for the Sunni
alliance. Israel should play an active role in the fall of Assad as a
way to undermine the region’s “Shia crescent” and isolate its leader,
Iran. Assad’s defeat would break the “axis of resistance,” choke off
Hezbollah’s arms supplies, and drive a permanent wedge between Turkey
and Iran]]]]]].A
solution to the Palestinian problem would serve such a strategy. It
would strengthen Israel’s relations with Egypt, help to stabilize Jordan
(a vital and friendly buffer state), and remove a major source of
tension with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Islamist
government. Most important, it would undermine Iran’s efforts to make
inroads into the Arab world under the pretext of defending Palestine and
Holy Jerusalem.
Analysis: Israel and a Sunni Alliance
An alliance will see Israel teaming up with Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey & the United Arab Emirates to forge a Middle East “moderate crescent” to “contain” Iran, rather than confront it.
The report of a new alliance between Israel and several Sunni Muslim Arab states for “containment” of a nuclear Iran has people more worried than they should be, according to Arutz Sheva strategic affairs contributor, Mark Langfan.Langfan
says that the alliance is one of necessity for all partners,
because Israel is, in effect, Saudi Arabia’s northwestern line of
defense:“With Mubarak’s toppling, Saudi Arabia lost an
80-million-population Arab country as its key strategic counterweight to
Iran.“What’s worse,” says Langfan, “the Saudis lost guaranteed access
the Suez Canal as an emergency supply node for an American defense of
Saudi Arabia from an Iranian attack. With Obama’s wobbling on attacking
Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Sunni gulf kingdoms have only one hope, a
Sunni-Israeli alliance.“In short, with Mubarak’s fall, Egypt went from being a Saudi
strategic ally, to a Muslim brotherhood enemy of the Saudis that
couldn’t be trusted on any issue. Thus, Israel, and only Israel, became
the Saudi Arabia’s military ally of necessity, and not convenience.“The fact that they are in discussions to form an alliance
shows that there is a military symbiosis between Israel and the Gulf
kingdoms,” he adds.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ZIONIST PROFESSOR ''ISRAHELL THE STRANGE FATHER OF SUNNI ARABS'' AGAINST IRAN AND SHIISM
FLASHBACK- Israel Alliance with (Sunni) Arab , Against Shiism !
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZIONAZI THINK TANKS IN WEST SAY NATO INVASION OF SYRIA STALLING DUE TO LOW STOCK OF PRECISION GUIDED MUNITIONS ....(ZIONIST) WESTERN GOV'S ARE RESTOCKING IN PREPARATION HOWEVER AND SAY THEY ARE READY NONETHELESS.. NATO Allies Might Be Unprepared for Syria (shortage of precision guided munitions?)
Defense News Dec. 17, 2012 - 09:53AM | By ZACHARY FRYER-BIGGS(ZIONIST)
As NATO allies move troops and Patriot missile batteries into Turkey, heating up an already dicey situation on the Syrian border, experts are pointing to an alarming possibility: Most NATO countries might be ill-equipped to intervene in the ongoing conflict in Syria.The problem stems from allies’ relatively small stockpiles of precision-guided munitions (PGMs), the smart bombs critical to effective operations in densely populated areas.[[[[[[[[ So even if NATO members voice full support for an operation, they might not have the weapons to back it up.“The heart is willing, but the flesh is weak,” said a former U.S. State Department official.Potentially making matters worse, experts anticipate that any operation in Syria would require more PGMs than the last major NATO air campaign in Libya.Because of Syria’s superior air defense network and greater population density, the demand would outstrip supply, said Guy Ben-Ari, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.“]]]]]][[[[[[[[[They just don’t have enough precision munitions, full stop,” he said. “Whether it’s to take out the air defense system, or whether it’s to take out the high-value targets that are much closer in Syria than they were in Libya to civilian populations, you do need a much larger inventory of precision munitions.”]]]]]]][[[[[[[[Concern over the stockpiles of precision weapons is not theoretical. Less than a month into the 2011 Libya campaign, NATO came close to running out of PGMs, which are both advanced and expensive bombs. The situation became sufficiently dire that the U.S. rushed munitions to allies to help feed the campaign, and even kept aircraft on call in case NATO allies needed assistance after the U.S. had ceded major operational control. At the time, six countries were providing aircraft for the campaign: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Norway and the U.K.Experts’ fears about European stocks stem from larger concerns about budgets in Europe and the Libya scare, which revealed the vital role PGMs play in a modern campaign, as well as the relatively light reserves carried by many European countries.“The budgets have been going down sharply in Europe for over a decade now; initially, the investment accounts, especially the acquisition accounts, were quite well-protected, but that hasn’t been the case in the last few years,” Ben-Ari said. “There really is a big question mark on whether the PGM inventory specifically has even been brought back to pre-Libya levels, let alone overstocked for a potential Syria campaign.”Yet several defense officials from NATO countries voiced confidence in their stocks of PGMs.A senior Italian defense source said the Italian Air Force is “satisfied with its stocks of precision munitions, although not in reference to any specific mission.” A French defense official said that if there were an intervention, it would be in a coalition, and there would be sufficient stockpiles in the coalition. The official would not give numbers but indicated that France has “enough” bombs or could acquire them through its allies]]]]]]]]].However, on Dec. 14, the French news website reported France’s stocks will not return to pre-Libya levels until the end of 2013, citing a report from the Defense Ministry’s inspector general. A Defense Ministry spokesman declined to comment on the levels of munitions and the time for rebuilding stocks but pointed out that it takes about six months for an order contract to be signed, including the tender process, and the manufacturing time for sophisticated munitions takes months, not weeks.The actual level of stocks is “highly classified,” the spokesman said.The U.K.’s Defence Ministry declined to comment.Doug Barrie, the senior air analyst at the International Institute of Strategic Studies in London, said that as part of a broader coalition, the British are capable of mounting a significant effort with available weapons.“Six months is doable, but a sustained operation might cause problems,” he said. “As always, though, time scales are dependent on utilizations and targets.”Several European NATO countries have made purchases to restock. The U.K. placed orders for Raytheon’s Paveway IV precision-guided bomb and MBDA’s Dual Mode Brimstone missile. An industry source said that following the Libya campaign, France had ordered a number of guided bombs to replace spent munitions.There also is some confidence that there may be some additional capacity available, if need be. A spokesman for MBDA said production work converting the legacy Brimstone missile already in British stockpiles into the highly regarded dual-mode weapon is underway.If the stocks prove insufficient, the U.S. would have two options: Take over more of the operations, or send more munitions. Both would be more difficult this time around, as the U.S.defense budget is stretched far thinner heading into 2013.European budgetary concerns become especially significant because of the expense of PGMs, said Nora Bensahel, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security.“Precision-guided munitions are quite expensive, and there aren’t a tremendous number of production lines, so it’s not just a matter of have they allocated the money for it. It’s a question of how fast can the production lines ramp up,”she said.Andrew Chuter in London, Tom Kington in Rome and Pierre Tran in Paris contributed to this report.
[ed notes:keep in mind most of these so called experts from these think tanks,are actually zionists,and promoting wars for israhell...
Noah Shachtman is a contributing editor at Wired magazine, a nonresident fellow at the Brookings Institution and the editor of this little blog right here.
[ed notes:who is noah shachtman besides a zionist jew?
Since May 2007, Shachtman has participated in the U.S. Department of Defense's Bloggers' Roundtable.
His superior at the Institute is 21st Century Defense Initiative director Peter Singer
[ed note:who is singer? Prior to his current position, Singer was founding Director of the Project on U.S. Policy Towards the Islamic World at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings(zionist jews ,israhelli zealots,warmongers)
In 2009, Shachtman attended a Project Interchange (PI) seminar inIsrael together with other "defense analysts". PI is anindoctrination program set up by the American Jewish Committeeaimed at "opinion formers".-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A senior commander in the rebel army thanks Israel for striking Assad’s army, relates the harsh combat conditions, and says that the possibility of al-Qaeda extremists taking over concerns him more than the need to defeat the regime. “The Saudis and Qataris are sending weapons to overthrow Assad, but only to Islamist extremists. We need the West and Israel to balance the scales” “Israel saved the lives of our warriors. We, using our meager weapons, can cause the Syrian army the same damage only in an attack that will cost us the lives of many soldiers. Israel is not endangering us or itself. It caused heavy damage to an artillery squad, and therefore it helped a great deal.”“We get help from many different sources. It comes through Jordan, Turkey and other countries. Our warfare is still based on light weapons, except for a few exceptions. We are still inferior to the Syrian army. The Syrian army’s helicopters and fighter planes that hit us are the most problematic. We currently do not have a way to deal with them, and they cause us a lot of damage and many casualties. In order to win we must be able to shoot down planes. We have a few Kornet anti-tank missiles that we got through channels we cannot disclose. We already managed to shoot down helicopters in several places, but in really small numbers.”“In recent weeks, General Hafez Makhlouf, Assad’s Strategic Warfare Advisor, has been sending forces to the area of the border with Israel. The plan is clear: to keep a low profile, not to respond to Israeli attacks, and to leave a small fire burning – keeping the option of setting the area on fire if necessary”An officer in the Israeli Northern Command that gave an interview to the British newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, says that rebels identified with al-Qaeda have taken control of the demilitarized zone near Quneitra and the villages near the Israeli border, and they are trying to drag the Syrian army into an area where the field conditions are difficult for warfare. Senior functionaries in the IDF have responded that this is an exaggeration: “There is the concern of global terrorist organizations spilling into western Syria, but they are far from the Israeli border. “The battles in the villages near Israel are battles being fought all over Syria. The only difference is that these battles we can see with our own eyes, live.”And indeed, the forces fighting against Assad’s regime are not cast from the same mold. In my conversation with him, the commander of the southern territory forces of the Free Syrian Army asked Israeli citizens not to be fooled by unreliable and simplistic reports that call them all “rebels”. Al-Qaeda’s people, he says, certainly do not fit this definition. “They enter Syria from Iraq and take part in the fighting in western Syria. We are fighting to keep them in there, and sometimes also wage direct battles against them.”COOK: Stephen, do you want to -- I want to have the last word, if the co-chairs will allow me. To bring it back to the issue at hand, I think the point that the task force would like to make, and I think the co-chairs would agree, is that whatever it is that the United States decides to do, it can't do it without the critical assistance of Turkey. And whatever Turkey wants to do in Syria, it can't do it without the United States. And that is critical through this new partnership that we've been talking about.
“I prefer to keep my soldiers’ strength for the war against the regime, but strong al-Qaeda cells inside Syria is a very serious problem – it is more difficult for us than for you in Israel. They seem to keep multiplying, and therefore you need an entity that will balance the Saudi and Qatari intervention that only strengthens the extremist side in Syria. This intervention will lead to the regime’s defeat, but will also lead Syria into a mess. Therefore, we ask that the West and Israel not stand aside, but help us build a Western country in the post Bashar Assad era.” If the regime in Damascus is in trouble, it will open a front on the border with Israel to redirect global attention. If the area heats up it can lead to a situation where Syrian soldiers come right up to the border fence with Israel with their hands raised, asking to surrender.”January will mark two years since the uprisings in Syria began. Throughout the entire time, Israel’s position has been consistent: let Syria solve its own problems and not to get involved. The Arab media have interpreted Israel’s lack of response as support for Assad’s regime. Some even called the Syrian president an Israeli spy. As evidence, they mentioned the quiet that has lasted for decades along the Israeli-Syrian border.“To say that Assad was good for Israel because he kept the peace in the Golan, is complete fallacy”, cries MK Ayoob Kara, the Deputy Minister for Development of the Negev and Galilee. “For years Assad fought Israel through Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations. The Syrian missiles were sent to Hezbollah in Lebanon, which was the executer of Syrian and Iranian policy. Those that agree that Assad’s regime has given us quiet in the northern Golan are perhaps correct in the short term, but you have to remember that Assad is the spearhead of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollahs in Tehran. So as long as Israel sits on the sidelines and does not get involved, it is actually playing into Iranian hands.”Kara and his personal assistant, Mendi Safadi, have been in constant contact with the resistance in Syria, out of the belief that Israel cannot stand on the sidelines. “From day one of the fighting I openly expressed my position. I think that staying indifferent about something so important, that will affect us directly, is a form of negligence. The shellings that happened last week threw Israel into internal Syrian affairs. The message we sent the Syrians has been received so far, but there’s no doubt that we are part of the game.”
MK Kara revealed that Israel sends humanitarian aid(ed notes:weapons!) to Syria. “Once we learned of the level of hunger that the Syrian people have reached, the State of Israel expressed a willingness to send humanitarian aid and medical supplies (ed note;weapons)to the Syrian people. The Syrian regime is trying to prevent humanitarian supplies from different countries from entering Syria, but much effort is being made so that it will indeed reach its destination.”The commander of the Free Syrian Army wants to send the Israeli government the message that its main objective is to promise the Syrian people a life of hope, freedom and dignity, a life of peace also with Israel. (ed note:israhell doesnt send humanitarian aid not to Palestine, nor Syria, just destruction and in syrias case weapons!!!) Regarding the eternal cost, the Golan Heights – he is not willing to waiver, but he is willing to reach a compromise. “I am not prepared to waiver my right to live on my land, in the occupied Golan Heights. But I also understand that I cannot erase an entire life of almost forty years. I want my brethren in the Golan to be able to choose where they want to live, and I also want to be able to choose. I have not married yet because I want to bring a child to a better life, a life of hope, and not a life of war. In Syria, we have only known wars with Israel, Iraq, and Iran. Now we are demanding our right to live.”
(WARMONGER CHICKENHAWKS)ZIONAZIS AND (ZIO-JEW)SOROS AGENTS SUGGEST OBAMA CONTINUE TO PROMOTE REGIME CHANGE IN SYRIA ,SABOTAGE RUSSIA,CHINA... “As he develops his second-term foreign policy agenda, President Obama should include a prudently implemented strategy to expand freedom’s reach to those parts of the globe where fear and repression prevail,” say two prominent observers.“To date, the president has been uneven on the exercise of U.S. power to promote democratic change,” write David J. Kramer and Arch Puddington, respectively president and vice president for research atFreedom House:Obama spoke eloquently at the State Department and at the United Nations last year about the vital role democracy plays in a peaceful world. After the Arab movements began, he recognized that the embrace of democracy by Arab societies is essential to the development of peace and prosperity in the region. During the 2012 campaign, Obama repeatedly declared his commitment to the cause of global freedom.On the other hand, Obama’s conviction that he could find ways to forge productive, “win-win” relations with enemies of freedom led to the “reset” initiative with Russia that included playing down the rampant violation of democratic standards and human rights under Vladimir Putin and ignoring the pleas of Iran’s beleaguered Green Movement in 2009.Obama administration officials seemed to believe, at least initially, that the burden of pressuring authoritarian regimes to change should not be shouldered entirely by the United States, and they looked to regional powers such as Brazil or South Africa to take on human rights and democracy challenges. Shifting the burden has not worked. We have learned, rather, that if the United States does not take the lead in pressuring repressive powers, the job won’t get done.While Obama has characterized himself as a foreign policy realist, “the support of freedom and the national interest are often mutually reinforcing,” Kramer and Puddington contend, offering suggestions for where the administration should offer more forceful support of democratic principles:China. With a new leadership taking control in Beijing at a time ofgrowing labor, ethnic and social unrest, now is the time to remind those in authority that a government’s global reputation is earned through respect for freedom of thought and free institutions; to press China publicly to release political prisoners; to speak out when Beijing extends its methods of control beyond its borders; and to insist that international human rights bodies stop ignoring China’s repressive domestic practices. Russia. Confronted with domestic opposition — against whom he launched a brutal crackdown — Putin accused Washington of bankrolling regime change andexpelled the U.S. Agency for International Development. ….The Obama administration should demonstrate its revulsion by supporting sanctions on Russian officials responsible for gross human rights abuses, which the House passed Nov. 16. The president should also have regular contact with forward-looking members of the opposition and beef up U.S. foreign broadcasting.[[[[[[[Syria. If the president is serious about avoiding a repeat of the kinds of atrocities that Rwanda and Bosnia endured, he should rethink his hands-off approach toward Syria by instituting a no-fly zone and moreactive support for liberal-minded figures among the anti-Assad opposition.“Incorporating a serious democracy initiative as a major element in U.S. foreign policy is critical when anti-democratic forces are acting with growing brazenness and disdain for world opinion,” Kramer and Puddington conclude.]]]]]]
[ed notes:targetting china of course..also see.. US CIA/Defense Will Double the Number of SPY Agents Targeting CHINA by 2018 and the old we must intervene in Syria to stop it from becoming another rwanda or bosnia card...interestingly those two were exactly where us backed war crimes and genocide to begin with The US Sponsored “Rwanda Genocide” and its Aftermath | Global ... The US was behind the Rwandan Genocide: Installing a US ... The US-Al Qaeda Alliance: Bosnia, Kosovo and ...Now,who are kramer and puddington?KRAMER IS A ZIONIST NEOCON FROM PNAC WHO BROUGHT US WARS FOR ISRAHELL IN AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ!! "Before joining the Government, he was a Senior Fellow at the Project for the New American Century, Associate Director of the Russian and Eurasian Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Assistant Director of Russian and Eurasian Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, all in Washington.he is also from Freedom house(soros front)
who is Puddington?he is from soros front Freedom house,but was also a bureau manager fro CIA front radio free europe also see.. Arch Puddington he also served as an executive for the league for industrial democracy see them here.. League for Industrial Democracy Activities: In the 1950s, a rabidly anticommunist era in the United States, the LID's Student League for Industrial Democracy (SLID) was an associate member of the CIA-financed International Union of Socialist Youth. SLID received funds to maintain its international contacts from the Foundation for Youth and Student Affairs, a major CIA conduit for funds. (9)The LID has been actively supporting the Solidarity movement in Poland since 1980, providing financial, moral and political support. (11) Among other things, in 1986, LID coordinated efforts on a campaign to protest the crackdown on Polish universities by the government. (11) The LID, in conjunction with Poland Watch Center and Committee in Support of Solidarity, publishes a quarterly bulletin Solidarnosc. The Brussels-based Committee in Support of Solidarity (CSS) is a group heavily supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a U.S. government-funded organization that sponsors anticommunist,"democracy-building" projects around the globe. In a three-year period, CSS received over a million dollars from NED. (12,13,14)
'WARCRIMINAL SHAYTAN'' FM LIEBERMAN SAYS ISRAHELL WILL STRIKE IRAN LIKE IT DID IRAQ,SYRIA.... says public should trust decision makers with Tehran threat, accuses Abbas of trying to save himself with UN bid. Israel will handle the Iranian threat the same way it dealt with similar threats from Iraq and Syria, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said on Wednesday.Liberman was referencing the 1981 Israeli strike on Iraq’s Osirak nuclear reactor and the 2007 attack on Syria’s nuclear core at Deir al-Zor. Israel has never officially acknowledged bombing the Syrian core although it has been widely reported to have been behind the attack.Israel “knows how to act” to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb, he said.The public should leave the decision on how and when to act to decision-makers, the foreign minister said. “If you want to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk,” he added.Liberman was speaking to students at the Ariel University Center, where he also asserted that the best defense against Gazan rocket attacks against southern Israel was IDF attacks on the Strip.He slammed the international community, saying it could not be trusted to help Israel if major violence broke out.“Anyone who trusts the international community should look at its failure to stop 22 months of Syrian violence, with 40,000 dead,” he said.
IHAB HAMED ( Syria) said more effort should be made to raise awareness among the public and the scientific community on the effects of nuclear radiation. Recalling the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents, he called attention to the fact that such events could occur with any reactor in the world. Consequently, he was gravely concerned by the absence of international supervision on some reactors and the lack of implementation of the comprehensive IAEA safety systems. [[[[[[[[[For example, Israel’s nuclear reactor constituted a serious threat to the region and to the world. It was very old, according to international criteria and should have been closed years ago to avoid potentially catastrophic emissions of poisonous gases. Those were not his words, but a warning by an Israeli scientist.]]]]]][[[[[[[[[[[Continuing, he said that some observers had emphasized that the Israeli reactor’s cooling towers had not been replaced for 20 years. That was a “time bomb” threatening the entire Middle East, and States should exert all possible pressure on Israel to subject all of its nuclear facilities to IAEA supervision in accordance with Security Council resolution 487 of 1981. The dumping of nuclear waste in the territories of some nations and in the high seas was another very serious issue. Israel had dumped nuclear waste in the occupied Syrian Golan, and he was concerned that the world was silent on that subject. In closing, he drew attention to the importance of international cooperation in order to save humanity from the catastrophic dangers that were threatening it.]]]]]]]]
ISRAELI ATTACKS TIMED TO COINCIDE WITH OLIVE HARVESTS, SECOND COMMITTEE TOLD DURING DISCUSSION ON ARAB SOVEREIGNTY OVER RESOURCES IN OCCUPIED LANDS There had been deliberate increases in Israeli attacks on Palestinian farmers during the olive-harvesting season, with some 8,000 trees uprooted, burned or destroyed this year alone, the Observer for Palestine told the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) today as it took up the question of permanent sovereignty of Arab peoples under occupation over their natural resources.Pointing out that olive cultivation and the associated olive oil industry accounted for 14 per cent of the Occupied Palestinian Territory’s gross domestic product, he said they supported nearly 100,000 families. Furthermore, agriculture, the cornerstone of Palestine’s economic sustainability, was deprived of its capacity to play a central role due to expropriation, the prevention of access to agricultural land and water resources, and the denial of access to local and foreign markets in which Palestinians could sell their produce could purchase necessary inputs. Additionally, Israel exploited more than 90 per cent of Palestinian water resources for its exclusive use, including in settlements, while allocating less than 10 per cent for use by Palestinians..Echoing that sentiment, [[[[[[[[[Syria’s representative said Israel continued to dump industrial and chemical waste in the occupied Syrian Golan and to burn Syrian villages, adding that their inhabitants could not benefit from their main sources of income. Yet multiple resolutions and other international provisions, including the Rio+20 outcome document, affirmed clearly the right of the occupied Syrian Golan’s citizens to development, while calling for an end to the “barbaric” Israeli occupation, he noted, calling on Member States who regularly expressed support for human rights to stop ignoring Israel’s actions. By doing nothing, they supported the practices of Israeli terrorism, he said, emphasizing that the continuing occupation was the main obstacle to achieving any sort of development for the people of occupied Palestinian and Syrian lands.]]]]]]]]][[[[[[[The representative of Syria, speaking in exercise of the right of reply, said the remarks by Israel’s delegate were insolent. Accusing the Committee of bias, he said Israel continued to commit crimes while preventing the population of the occupied Syrian Golan from accessing their natural resources. Citing the population’s great suffering, he added that the Israeli representative had no right to talk about human rights or freedom because while her country continued to deny the human rights of peoples under its occupation.]]]]]]
“IRREGULAR WARFARE” – the US Govt. Document Which Links the Pentagon To Terrorism “Irregular Warfare”–Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3
1 August 2007 Unconventional warfare (UW)— It includes, but is not limited to, guerrilla warfare, subversion,sabotage, intelligence activities, and unconventional assisted recovery. (JP 1-02, Department of Defense [DOD] Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms)Irregular warfare (IW)—IW… seeks toundermine a group, government, or ideology by influencing the population, whichis often the center of gravity. It includes, but is not limited to, activities such as insurgency, counterinsurgency (COIN), terrorism, andcounterterrorism.IW ACTIVITIES Support to Insurgencies Various US government organizations are postured to recruit, organize,train, and advise indigenous guerrilla or partisan forces. These operations usually consist of supplying equipment, training, and advisory assistance to nonstateactors. They may also involve US direct-action operations supporting specific campaign goals. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United National Antiwar Coalition:Hands off Syria and Iran!UNAC statement: “Hands off Syria and Iran!”
The United States and other western powers are intervening on a large scale in Syria with the aim of overthrowing Syria’s progressive government. Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the United National Antiwar Coalition:Hands off Syria and Iran! End the Drone Wars!We Need Jobs, Education and Healthcare, Not Endless War!The ominous signs of impending war with Syria escalate. NATO is massing troops and military equipment on Syria's borders, and preparing to install missiles aimed at Syria. U.S. warships are stationed off Syria’s coast. ‘Special operation’ units are readied. The U.S. government has been supplying arms and logistical support to a few selected Syrian paramilitary groups favored by the U.S. as “replacements” for Assad. The media bombards us with arguments that support foreign intervention, supposedly for “humanitarian reasons”. Like WMD’s in Iraq, alarms are sounded, with no credible evidence, that Assad may unleash chemical weapons, thus establishing a pretext for invasion.These are the facts that impel us to oppose any military, economic, diplomatic, or covert intervention aimed at controlling the internal affairs of Syria or any other country:• The Syrian people in their majority, regardless of their political positions re: the current government, have rejected calling for foreign intervention, such as occurred in Libya.• Sanctions harm the people of Syria by causing food shortages, power outages, and blocking the distribution of goods.• The U.S. is directly involved in arming and training a few selected Syrian militias favorable to the U.S., contributing to the escalation of violence, direct foreign military intervention, and total destabilization. The people who always suffer the most are the people not engaged in the armed struggle.• We see the results of ‘humanitarian’ U.S. wars and occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya today, where the people, especially women and children, are worse off than before, with millions dead, injured, and/or displaced, an infrastructure and economy in shambles, and where there is no peace. A country that has a river of Iraqi, Afghan, and Libyan blood on its hands has no right to tell other countries what to do.• The U.S. government’s goals in Syria are to gain dominance in a part of the world that holds the vast majority of the known oil reserves and to gain strategic advantage as it seeks to isolate and contain competitors like Russia and China. The U.S. has no interest in democracy or the humanitarian well-being of a country’s peoples anywhere in the world, especially in areas where the U.S. has economic or strategic interests.• The U.S. has a long history of thwarting the emerging economies and progressive initiatives of the third world while supporting repressive regimes.While activists may hold different views of Syria’s internal political system, we must all agree that the U.S. government has no right to impose its will on other countries, especially those formerly colonized and exploited by the West. In all cases, we must support the right of nations to self- determination – that is to be able to decide on and resolve internal conflicts free from any foreign intervention.The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) demands:No U.S. or NATO intervention in the internal affairs of Syria!No War! No Sanctions! No Intervention!Self-determination for the Syrian people!
No US intervention in Syria ... Statement by The Middle East Committee of
Women Against Military Madness
There is a clear danger of yet another war in the Middle East. The United States is turning its attention to Syria, with the intention of engineering regime change in its favor.The Middle East Committee of Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) fully supports the right of the people in all the countries of the Middle East to determine their own future and assert democratic rights. We are therefore firmly opposed to any external intervention, and this includes military intervention in Syria.NATO is already maneuvering to weaken Syria through sanctions, which have never been an alternative to war as much as a prelude to it, acclimatizing public opinion to the “inevitability” of war. It is also interfering politically, trying to ensure that the Assad regime is replaced by one with an orientation favorable to what is always described as “our interests”—e.g., the pursuit of energy resources with trade agreements and geopolitical positioning that benefit US multi-national corporations.The Middle East Committee believes the Syrian people should assert their own democratic rights and determine their own system of government without the kind of external interference which has proved so disastrous in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the world. We therefore oppose all US-led attempts to create an unrepresentative “government-in-exile,” which would have no purpose beyond further legitimizing the case for military intervention.The Middle East Committee of WAMM therefore opposes all US-sponsored and supported military intervention in Syria.WAMM Middle East Committee
[ed notes;also see... Veterans For Peace urgently calls on the United States and NATO to cease all military activity in Syria, halt all U.S. and NATO shipments of weapons, and abandon all threats to further escalate the violence under which the people of Syria are suffering
IHRC: So-called Free Syrian Army is a group of terrorists
The International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) says the so-called Free Syrian Army is just a group of terrorists, stressing that Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are granting money and weapons to the terrorists in Syria.In an interview with the Syrian Arab TV on Wednesday, IHRC Chief Muhammad Shahid Amin Khan said the IHCR condemns terrorism across the world without any discrimination, adding that media reports by Western countries and certain Persian Gulf littoral states about the developments in Syria are “untrue.”Syria has been the victim of the same terrorism targeting Pakistan and other countries because the al-Qaeda that was fighting against the US occupation in Afghanistan is now present in Syria, he added.The IHRC chief lashed out at Qatar and Turkey for pursuing a policy based on funding the terrorists to destabilize Muslim countries.He invited all sides in Syria to get involved in dialogue and find a peaceful solution to the ongoing crisis in the country, calling on the opposition groups to alter their policy of support for terrorism and to stop being mere tools in the hands of other countries.Amin Khan noted that the IHRC would host an international conference to solve crisis in Syria in Lebanon next February, saying several heads of states and chiefs of international organizations would be invited to the event.
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General Assembly
IHAB HAMED ( Syria) said more effort should be made to raise awareness among the public and the scientific community on the effects of nuclear radiation. Recalling the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents, he called attention to the fact that such events could occur with any reactor in the world. Consequently, he was gravely concerned by the absence of international supervision on some reactors and the lack of implementation of the comprehensive IAEA safety systems. [[[[[[[[[For example, Israel’s nuclear reactor constituted a serious threat to the region and to the world. It was very old, according to international criteria and should have been closed years ago to avoid potentially catastrophic emissions of poisonous gases. Those were not his words, but a warning by an Israeli scientist.]]]]]][[[[[[[[[[[Continuing, he said that some observers had emphasized that the Israeli reactor’s cooling towers had not been replaced for 20 years. That was a “time bomb” threatening the entire Middle East, and States should exert all possible pressure on Israel to subject all of its nuclear facilities to IAEA supervision in accordance with Security Council resolution 487 of 1981. The dumping of nuclear waste in the territories of some nations and in the high seas was another very serious issue. Israel had dumped nuclear waste in the occupied Syrian Golan, and he was concerned that the world was silent on that subject. In closing, he drew attention to the importance of international cooperation in order to save humanity from the catastrophic dangers that were threatening it.]]]]]]]]
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General Assembly
ZIONIST EVENT- Brookings/Saban Doha Center hosted a policy discussion with Ali Sadr al-Din al-Bayanouni, former General Supervisor of the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria (KHADAM PRESENT 2)
Zionist Qatar says that it is time to reconsider the Arab offer to normalise ties with Israel in return for its pullout from occupied Palestinian land
Qatar said yesterday that it was time to reconsider the Arab offer to normalise ties with Israel in return for its pullout from occupied Palestinian land. It also said the international Quartet attempting to broker peace between Israel and the Palestinians should be branded a failure. "It is logical after 10 years to objectively reconsider the peace process, including the Arab initiative," said Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem Al Thani, the country's prime minister.He called for a "thorough look into developments in the region and the world, and to decide carefully on our future steps and road map."Sheikh Hamad, who heads an Arab League follow-up committee, said the initiative tabled in 2002 by Saudi Arabia "will not be on offer for ever".The Arab League had proposed a normalisation with the Jewish state in return for its pullout from occupied lands, notably the Palestinian territories.Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbastold the meeting of Arab League ministers in Doha that he was opposed to a withdrawal of the Arab initiative."It should stay," he said. "It is a very important initiative. I hope that we would not talk every time about shelving it, because that would mean war."Are we ready for war? Personally, I say I am not," he added.
Qatar said yesterday that it was time to reconsider the Arab offer to normalise ties with Israel in return for its pullout from occupied Palestinian land. It also said the international Quartet attempting to broker peace between Israel and the Palestinians should be branded a failure. "It is logical after 10 years to objectively reconsider the peace process, including the Arab initiative," said Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem Al Thani, the country's prime minister.He called for a "thorough look into developments in the region and the world, and to decide carefully on our future steps and road map."Sheikh Hamad, who heads an Arab League follow-up committee, said the initiative tabled in 2002 by Saudi Arabia "will not be on offer for ever".The Arab League had proposed a normalisation with the Jewish state in return for its pullout from occupied lands, notably the Palestinian territories.Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbastold the meeting of Arab League ministers in Doha that he was opposed to a withdrawal of the Arab initiative."It should stay," he said. "It is a very important initiative. I hope that we would not talk every time about shelving it, because that would mean war."Are we ready for war? Personally, I say I am not," he added.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“IRREGULAR WARFARE” – the US Govt. Document Which Links the Pentagon To Terrorism “Irregular Warfare”–Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3
1 August 2007 Unconventional warfare (UW)— It includes, but is not limited to, guerrilla warfare, subversion,sabotage, intelligence activities, and unconventional assisted recovery. (JP 1-02, Department of Defense [DOD] Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms)Irregular warfare (IW)—IW… seeks toundermine a group, government, or ideology by influencing the population, whichis often the center of gravity. It includes, but is not limited to, activities such as insurgency, counterinsurgency (COIN), terrorism, andcounterterrorism.IW ACTIVITIES Support to Insurgencies Various US government organizations are postured to recruit, organize,train, and advise indigenous guerrilla or partisan forces. These operations usually consist of supplying equipment, training, and advisory assistance to nonstateactors. They may also involve US direct-action operations supporting specific campaign goals. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United National Antiwar Coalition:Hands off Syria and Iran!UNAC statement: “Hands off Syria and Iran!”
The United States and other western powers are intervening on a large scale in Syria with the aim of overthrowing Syria’s progressive government. Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the United National Antiwar Coalition:Hands off Syria and Iran! End the Drone Wars!We Need Jobs, Education and Healthcare, Not Endless War!The ominous signs of impending war with Syria escalate. NATO is massing troops and military equipment on Syria's borders, and preparing to install missiles aimed at Syria. U.S. warships are stationed off Syria’s coast. ‘Special operation’ units are readied. The U.S. government has been supplying arms and logistical support to a few selected Syrian paramilitary groups favored by the U.S. as “replacements” for Assad. The media bombards us with arguments that support foreign intervention, supposedly for “humanitarian reasons”. Like WMD’s in Iraq, alarms are sounded, with no credible evidence, that Assad may unleash chemical weapons, thus establishing a pretext for invasion.These are the facts that impel us to oppose any military, economic, diplomatic, or covert intervention aimed at controlling the internal affairs of Syria or any other country:• The Syrian people in their majority, regardless of their political positions re: the current government, have rejected calling for foreign intervention, such as occurred in Libya.• Sanctions harm the people of Syria by causing food shortages, power outages, and blocking the distribution of goods.• The U.S. is directly involved in arming and training a few selected Syrian militias favorable to the U.S., contributing to the escalation of violence, direct foreign military intervention, and total destabilization. The people who always suffer the most are the people not engaged in the armed struggle.• We see the results of ‘humanitarian’ U.S. wars and occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya today, where the people, especially women and children, are worse off than before, with millions dead, injured, and/or displaced, an infrastructure and economy in shambles, and where there is no peace. A country that has a river of Iraqi, Afghan, and Libyan blood on its hands has no right to tell other countries what to do.• The U.S. government’s goals in Syria are to gain dominance in a part of the world that holds the vast majority of the known oil reserves and to gain strategic advantage as it seeks to isolate and contain competitors like Russia and China. The U.S. has no interest in democracy or the humanitarian well-being of a country’s peoples anywhere in the world, especially in areas where the U.S. has economic or strategic interests.• The U.S. has a long history of thwarting the emerging economies and progressive initiatives of the third world while supporting repressive regimes.While activists may hold different views of Syria’s internal political system, we must all agree that the U.S. government has no right to impose its will on other countries, especially those formerly colonized and exploited by the West. In all cases, we must support the right of nations to self- determination – that is to be able to decide on and resolve internal conflicts free from any foreign intervention.The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) demands:No U.S. or NATO intervention in the internal affairs of Syria!No War! No Sanctions! No Intervention!Self-determination for the Syrian people!
No US intervention in Syria ... Statement by The Middle East Committee of
Women Against Military Madness
There is a clear danger of yet another war in the Middle East. The United States is turning its attention to Syria, with the intention of engineering regime change in its favor.The Middle East Committee of Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) fully supports the right of the people in all the countries of the Middle East to determine their own future and assert democratic rights. We are therefore firmly opposed to any external intervention, and this includes military intervention in Syria.NATO is already maneuvering to weaken Syria through sanctions, which have never been an alternative to war as much as a prelude to it, acclimatizing public opinion to the “inevitability” of war. It is also interfering politically, trying to ensure that the Assad regime is replaced by one with an orientation favorable to what is always described as “our interests”—e.g., the pursuit of energy resources with trade agreements and geopolitical positioning that benefit US multi-national corporations.The Middle East Committee believes the Syrian people should assert their own democratic rights and determine their own system of government without the kind of external interference which has proved so disastrous in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the world. We therefore oppose all US-led attempts to create an unrepresentative “government-in-exile,” which would have no purpose beyond further legitimizing the case for military intervention.The Middle East Committee of WAMM therefore opposes all US-sponsored and supported military intervention in Syria.WAMM Middle East Committee
[ed notes;also see... Veterans For Peace urgently calls on the United States and NATO to cease all military activity in Syria, halt all U.S. and NATO shipments of weapons, and abandon all threats to further escalate the violence under which the people of Syria are suffering
IHRC: So-called Free Syrian Army is a group of terrorists
The International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) says the so-called Free Syrian Army is just a group of terrorists, stressing that Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are granting money and weapons to the terrorists in Syria.In an interview with the Syrian Arab TV on Wednesday, IHRC Chief Muhammad Shahid Amin Khan said the IHCR condemns terrorism across the world without any discrimination, adding that media reports by Western countries and certain Persian Gulf littoral states about the developments in Syria are “untrue.”Syria has been the victim of the same terrorism targeting Pakistan and other countries because the al-Qaeda that was fighting against the US occupation in Afghanistan is now present in Syria, he added.The IHRC chief lashed out at Qatar and Turkey for pursuing a policy based on funding the terrorists to destabilize Muslim countries.He invited all sides in Syria to get involved in dialogue and find a peaceful solution to the ongoing crisis in the country, calling on the opposition groups to alter their policy of support for terrorism and to stop being mere tools in the hands of other countries.Amin Khan noted that the IHRC would host an international conference to solve crisis in Syria in Lebanon next February, saying several heads of states and chiefs of international organizations would be invited to the event.
[ed note:also read.. (UNDER THE RADAR) European Committee for Human Rights Faisal Sergio Tapia complaint more of 600 children Killed by mercenaries in Syria since March 2011
(UNDER THE RADAR) European Committee for Human Rights Faisal Sergio Tapia complaint more of 600 children Killed by mercenaries in Syria since March 2011
The systematic use of executions, beheadings, dismemberment, torture, burn victims, against children, women, old men, is the common form of killing of mercenaries sponsored from abroad, where most of victims are women and children killed before the eyes of the world.The International Tribunal over the Children affected by War and Poverty of the Human Rights Committee Faisal Sergio Tapia in London presents its international appeal to the community of nations and international human rights and international humanitarian law to stop and finish crimes against humanity against children in Syria and reporting through its European human rights committee, the murder of more than 600 children in Syria since March 2011, in a criminal carnage of executions in cold blood and asks the cessation of all forms of violence by all and punish those responsible, respecting the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria and the Syrian people's human rights, supporting the paths of peace of the nation against Syria any interference of fomenting violence and war, says the International Prosecutor of Human Rights and President Founder of the International Tribunal over the Children affected by War and Poverty, the argentine Faisal Sergio Tapia , who proposed an International Conference on Human Rights in Damascus, to support the civilian population of the Syrian nation and its sovereignty against those who want to unleash war, destruction with rivers of blood of innocent voices, and states that the systematic use of beheadings, dismemberment, torture, burn victims, children, women, elderly men, is the common way to kill the mercenaries, where most victims are women and children killed before the eyes of the world.The International Tribunal over the Children affected by War and Poverty, calls to disarm the mercenary groups operating in Syria, where human rights reports point to these as responsible for crimes against humanity, where for example kidnapped civilians in the city of Homs, killed and mutilated their bodies and then film them and show them to the international press, to plant false evidence, and conduct crimes and massacres as war propaganda. Mercenary groups rebel attack, kill, torture, burn houses intimidating the civilian population. The flow of all kinds of terrorists in some neighboring countries continues to rise on the borders with Syria.The Human Rights Committee Faisal Sergio Tapia, asks those who benefit from the slaughter of children and women before the international community?, Who is behind these massacres and systematic massacres against the Syrian people?, Only an independent and impartial objective the killings occurred in Syria as recently occurred in the Syrian town Houla that ended the lives of 108 Syrians, including 49 children and 34 women, take the path of truth, justice and peace for the Syrian people.Finally, as the International Tribunal of Conscience in defense for Children, call upon the international community to denounce these crimes against humanity against civilians Children and Syria, and bring those responsible to justice, on the charge of guilty of crimes against humanity and genocide against children, says the International Prosecutor of the International Tribunal on Children affected by War and Poverty, the argentine Faisal Sergio Tapia , "Applying the principles of jus cogens as an expression of the universal juridical conscience the right of peoples under the basic legal instruments of the United Nations, in particular the Universal Declaration and the International Covenants on Human Rights, International Law and the Geneva Conventions of 1948 and 1949, and its Protocols of 1977, Universal Declarations of the Rights of the Child and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in 1998, and noting the enormous crimes committed by illegal armed groups in Syria against Children, the International Tribunal over the Children affected by War and Poverty, accuses the armed groups of foreign mercenaries operating in Syrian territory are responsible for crimes against humanity against Children and are guilty of: a. war crimes, crimes against humanity b, c. crime of genocide "
The International Tribunal over the Children affected by War and Poverty of the Human Rights Committee Faisal Sergio Tapia - Madrid European Union passed the Sentence International over the Situation of Children in the Gaza Strip-Location psychological syndrome and Gaza, where 80% of children in Gaza affected by the constant bombardment of Palestine.
(UNDER THE RADAR) European Committee for Human Rights Faisal Sergio Tapia complaint more of 600 children Killed by mercenaries in Syria since March 2011
The systematic use of executions, beheadings, dismemberment, torture, burn victims, against children, women, old men, is the common form of killing of mercenaries sponsored from abroad, where most of victims are women and children killed before the eyes of the world.The International Tribunal over the Children affected by War and Poverty of the Human Rights Committee Faisal Sergio Tapia in London presents its international appeal to the community of nations and international human rights and international humanitarian law to stop and finish crimes against humanity against children in Syria and reporting through its European human rights committee, the murder of more than 600 children in Syria since March 2011, in a criminal carnage of executions in cold blood and asks the cessation of all forms of violence by all and punish those responsible, respecting the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria and the Syrian people's human rights, supporting the paths of peace of the nation against Syria any interference of fomenting violence and war, says the International Prosecutor of Human Rights and President Founder of the International Tribunal over the Children affected by War and Poverty, the argentine Faisal Sergio Tapia , who proposed an International Conference on Human Rights in Damascus, to support the civilian population of the Syrian nation and its sovereignty against those who want to unleash war, destruction with rivers of blood of innocent voices, and states that the systematic use of beheadings, dismemberment, torture, burn victims, children, women, elderly men, is the common way to kill the mercenaries, where most victims are women and children killed before the eyes of the world.The International Tribunal over the Children affected by War and Poverty, calls to disarm the mercenary groups operating in Syria, where human rights reports point to these as responsible for crimes against humanity, where for example kidnapped civilians in the city of Homs, killed and mutilated their bodies and then film them and show them to the international press, to plant false evidence, and conduct crimes and massacres as war propaganda. Mercenary groups rebel attack, kill, torture, burn houses intimidating the civilian population. The flow of all kinds of terrorists in some neighboring countries continues to rise on the borders with Syria.The Human Rights Committee Faisal Sergio Tapia, asks those who benefit from the slaughter of children and women before the international community?, Who is behind these massacres and systematic massacres against the Syrian people?, Only an independent and impartial objective the killings occurred in Syria as recently occurred in the Syrian town Houla that ended the lives of 108 Syrians, including 49 children and 34 women, take the path of truth, justice and peace for the Syrian people.Finally, as the International Tribunal of Conscience in defense for Children, call upon the international community to denounce these crimes against humanity against civilians Children and Syria, and bring those responsible to justice, on the charge of guilty of crimes against humanity and genocide against children, says the International Prosecutor of the International Tribunal on Children affected by War and Poverty, the argentine Faisal Sergio Tapia , "Applying the principles of jus cogens as an expression of the universal juridical conscience the right of peoples under the basic legal instruments of the United Nations, in particular the Universal Declaration and the International Covenants on Human Rights, International Law and the Geneva Conventions of 1948 and 1949, and its Protocols of 1977, Universal Declarations of the Rights of the Child and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in 1998, and noting the enormous crimes committed by illegal armed groups in Syria against Children, the International Tribunal over the Children affected by War and Poverty, accuses the armed groups of foreign mercenaries operating in Syrian territory are responsible for crimes against humanity against Children and are guilty of: a. war crimes, crimes against humanity b, c. crime of genocide "
The International Tribunal over the Children affected by War and Poverty of the Human Rights Committee Faisal Sergio Tapia - Madrid European Union passed the Sentence International over the Situation of Children in the Gaza Strip-Location psychological syndrome and Gaza, where 80% of children in Gaza affected by the constant bombardment of Palestine.